T. A. Archives (台美史料中心)
Project of Outstanding Taiwanese American ( O. T. A. ):
The primary objective of this project is for our young and future generations to know the history of Taiwanese American thru the knowledge of their people in the past. We hope to have your support by letting us know your friends with their accomplishments. Our target for the first phase of this project is 200 or more people. Since we launched this project on July 26, 2018, the Selection Committee of this project has approved 12 outstanding Taiwanese Americans so far ... (Continue reading)
TACL Toastmasters Monthly Activities
If you are going to give a speech, you have got to rise to the occasion to prepare your speech. These tips offered by TACL Toastmasters Club will help you properly prepare a speech.
• Organize your speech in a logical sequence: opening, main points, summary.
• Practice and rehearse a speech frequently prior to delivering it.
• Become familiar with the stage where the speech will take place.
• Choose comfortable clothes to wear, but always maintain a proper appearance.
• Visual aids should fit a speech to help the audience understand what is being said, and reinforce the points of a speech.
These tips are the best ways to ensure you give an effective presentation.
The members of TACL Toastmasters Club meet every Monday night 7:30 to 9:00 at room 203. Our first meeting back after the rain, June 25th, Van gave his long-awaited Pathways ice breaker and Kevin spoke about the new Distinguished Club Program and our Pathways goals! Lorrine led a fun topics session on special days in our lives.
To kick off the new Toastmaster year, our July 2nd meeting was themed Independence! We had great speeches from Gordon who gave his Pathways icebreaker on his motivation to improve his English and Peggy spoke on effective coaching and getting better. Phil led the topic session on what independence means to us.
Fantastic meeting on July 9th! Phil spoke about the 4 different communication styles and how they're the bedrock of all our relationships. Stephen regaled us with the fable of the 3 sisters. Thank you Peggy for the hospitality of the 85c green tea cake! A lively topics about life styles by Gordon and evaluation session was had by all.
On July 16th, we had a great meeting! Kevin showed us some easy yoga moves to help us relax and Nam taught has how to really listen to what someone is trying to say. We also had a visit from our new Area Director, friend of the club, Angela Luk! Carol led a topic session on what's new in our lives. TACL Toastmasters Club is conducive to learning and fun!
Check us out online at on Facebook @TACLtoastmasters or www.TACLclub.toastmastersclubs.org
日期:2018年8月4日(星期六) 下午2時半至下午4時半
地點:台灣人活動中心(5885 Point West, Tel: 713-271-5885)
內容: 這個月榮幸邀請到電子物理專業的心臟科主治醫師施惠德醫師,他的演講題目:「你真正了解你的心臟嗎?」請各位會友撥時間參加!
長春會七月份(7/7/18)月會是 - 曾玉菲女士, 來做月會主講人, 她為我們講解的題目是「年長者醫療保險的注意事項和給付範圍」。 這個題目對於我們長春會會員是息息相關, 對於 Medicare / Medicaid 的措施應該大家都有一些問題, 而且也經常在做一些適切的應變。 她也利用這個機會提供給會員們發問以及有關切身相關的各種不同的問題, 曾女士當場都做了精闢的回答, 會員都感受到受益良多。
長春會八月份(8/4/18) 月會已經邀請到休士頓醫學中心的醫師 - 施惠德醫師, 他是心臟科的權威主治醫師, 這次難得能夠邀請到他在百忙中特別抽空要和長輩們分享和共勉。 他的講題是: 你對心臓了解多少, 而你所認知的和我所了解的是否相同呢?對於一個在電子物理專業的心臟科主治醫師要如何來診斷和治療患者的心臟呢? 請會員們能夠踴躍出席這次的月會活動, 來關心這非常切身利益的講座。
地點:Miller Outdoor Theater (6000 Hermann Park Drive)
15週年高爾夫球賽15th Annual HTISC Cup Golf Tournament
地點:鵪鶉谷高爾夫球俱樂部Quail Valley Golf Club (2880 La Quinta Dr, Missouri City, TX 77459)
內容:目的「學習分享Learning of Share」使社區人士更認識休士頓台灣松年學院。歡迎各界人士共襄盛舉加惠休士頓社區長輩,獲得更妥善的學習環境及照顧。
目前星期日下午試辦開放半天, 讓同鄕們能夠在週日可以來中心走動走動。 試辦三個月 (7/1/18 - 9/30/18). 現在,每週日都有超過20人以上到活動中心走走看看。 情況還稱得上踴躍. 按照目前的情況、乒乓球、卡拉OK、撞球運動和閲覽室都會開放讓同鄉們做聯誼活動。
從8月份開始, 台灣人活動中心每星期日的開放時間改為 2 pm - 6 pm. 希望同鄕們告訴同鄕們改時間的訊息也希望同鄕們儘量能夠多多利用這個大好機會。
感謝同鄕廖文豪先生, 慷慨捐贈 a. 五套全新且操作簡便的乒乓球網套給乒乓球球友們享用 b. 一套全新的 snooker 給愛好撞球桌友好手分享。 基金會活動中心由衷的感謝。