T. A. Archives (台美史料中心)
August 2019 issue NO. 52
• A Unique Group Among Taiwanese American Ethnic Group:
A unique Taiwanese American group, including people with three backgrounds: Japan, Taiwan, and America, is a research subject by a Japanese professor. The professor is a Taiwanese Japanese, teaching the Taiwan Study at a university in Japan. She visited T. A. Archives Center and interviewed people with this unique backgrounds. This project is sponsored by the Japan Government. It seems that only T. A. has this kind of people. Their life experience is very unique and valuable and we should preciously preserve it. Therefore, T. A. Archives is interested in stepping up our collection efforts for the information of this group. Please contact us if you know someones for our collection.
• Other Unique Groups of Taiwanese American Ethnic Group::
We are interested in collecting more information for the following unique groups:
In the Blacklist of Taiwan Government
Relatives of Taiwan 228 Incident
Return to Mother Country (Taiwan) for Second Career
• Summer Conferences/2019 by Taiwanese American Organizations:
5 summer conferences/2019 have been successfully completed in July. We contacted all 5 conferences for collecting and recording the following information on our website
and in 3 books of summer conferences:
1. Invitation Letters 2. Promotion Letters 3. Registration Forms 4. Programs 5. Hand Book & 6. Articles/Reports about the conferences
We are also collecting the same information for each conference from their very first year. We need your help providing us with those information, especially for those earlier conferences... (Continue Reading)
*靑棒是8/3 週六上午8:30 若是贏第二場是8/3 下午5:00
*少棒是8/2 週五上午9:00 若贏,第二場是8/3 下午7:30 pm
少棒比賽地點: M.E. Benavides Sports Complex,
600 S Bartlett Ave, Laredo, TX 78043
靑棒比賽地點: Unitrade Stadium
6320 Sinatra Parkway, Laredo, TX 78041
@Hotel: 請上網訂,近機場、近球場,以下參考名單,請自己比較
La Quinta Loop 20
Motel 6 (很新)
Holiday Inn Express
Marriott town place
Stay Bridge suite (可住比較多人)
@台灣同鄉經營: Gateway Inn
4109 San Bernardo Ave Laredo TX 78041,Tel: 956 722 5272
簡易房,床為 Full size
雙床完税後為 $52.00
單床完税後為 $45.00
@聖安東尼同鄉會是訂:Red roof inn, $62+tax
Hotel Ava, $70tax
Hampton inn
Embassy suite.
@8/3 Saturday dinner with players
週六晚上7:30pm和青棒球員餐敘。中式自助餐參加每人$18,休士頓台灣同鄉會將招待球員。歡迎台灣鄉親參加,Emperor Garden, 620 Calton Rd. Laredo, (1-956-791- 4848)
時間:8/30 週五, 6-9pm
演講:林昶佐立委Freddy 「推進!台灣的正面力量-2020台灣勝利!」
Email: contact@taahouston.org
一、發行紀念專輯 :以每十年做一個段落,請一位會長做連絡人。收集紀念文章和相片
1. 以TAA 為主
a. 1970 年以前
b. 1970 – 1980
c. 1981 – 1990
d. 1991 – 2000
e. 2001 – 2010
f. 2011 – 2020
2. 其他社團
3. 英文版專輯 - 由台美人第二代執筆,描述他(她) 們的成長過程。
二、紀念活動 - 明年的年會 (2020)。
三、相片展覽 – 2020 年 7 月。
1、物色義工負責某一項的工作 - 義工由莊承業負責邀請,6/30以前組成籌備會。
TAA 網站將設立「Google Photo 50」,讓同鄉輸入相片,記得註明提供者的姓名及電子郵箱。歡迎每一個社團共同來参與,讓台美人呈現出多姿多彩的回憶,同時留下來珍貴的歷史紀錄。更盼望同鄕提供意見,歡迎參與,共襄義舉,請跟籌備會的成員聯絡。多謝!
目前『休士頓台美人50』籌備會召集人 - 宋明麗,minlydjd@gmail.com;副召集人 - 莊承業,chengchuang@yahoo.com。713.298.8920。
同鄉會會長宋明麗敬邀 2019-6-10
Adults retain only 25-50 percent of what they hear. Listening requires concentration to process meaning from words and sentences. When truly listening, you recognize body language, verbal cues, and nonverbal cues that confirm or alter what the speaker is saying. In Toastmaster training, you will learn the difference between hearing and listening. Toastmaster training emphasizes the active listening skill which is the process of understanding and summarizing what you have heard. Our club members practice active listening every meeting!
New Toastmaster term started July 1st, club officers training was on the roll. Thank those trained officers who brought knowledge and energy back to the club to serve our members! We also like to congratulate Nam for completing his Pathways level 2! July was an exuberant month for us, we had awesome meetings and a fabulous group outing.
On July 1st, Lorrine gave a heartfelt speech about home when you've lived all around the world. Phil led a fun session on communication and teamwork, having us compete as teams to build paper chain links! Our guest, Rudy was a team captain and led his team to victory! It was a totally awesome and fun meeting! On July 8, Linda talked about effective waste management and Nam gave a toast to a wedding couple. Patrick led a fun topic on what you would rather have.
On July 15, Kevin informed us an important subject of Food Waste. Phil advanced to Motivational Strategies level 5, he elaborated on ‘There is no I in TEAM’. Carol practiced her active listening skill on table topic for her pathway project. On July 22, Stephen did a research project on how to pick the best watermelon. Patrick worked on his Dynamic Leadership public relations strategy, and he practiced on the skills to announce open house event on television. Lorrine led a table topic on Empathy. It was an exciting meeting, our area director Vijai visited us, and he did a short video about our club which will be posted on district Facebook to promote our club.
On July 13, we couldn’t ask for a more beautiful day for our annual outing, we visited American Bodhi Center. It was a Wonderful trip - good weather, good food, good companions, good knowledge shared! Thank you to Sunny for arranging and Sunny & Stephen’s driving! An unforgettable day!
**** We meet on every Monday 7:30pm at Taiwanese Center. Check us out online at on Facebook @TACLtoastmasters or www.TACLclub.toastmastersclubs.org
日期:2019年8月3日(星期六) 下午2時半至下午4時半
地點:台灣人活動中心(5885 Point West, Tel: 713-271-5885)
講員: 這個月8/3/19榮幸邀請到前長春會會長、顧問江朝雄,為我們分享〝傻子撿到寶〞,
長春會 - 2019年7月份和2019年8月份的月會活動報導:
長春會七月份的月㑹已經在 7/6/2019 (星期六) 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm 於台灣人活動中心圓滿完成。這次我們是邀請到陳正德醫師來為會員們演講,他的演講題目是:“老年人常犯的疾病以及要如何來預防控制這些疾病呢?” 經過陳醫師精彩的演説及舉了很多實歷説明,在場的每個人都很用心聽講,會員們也感覺到這些老年人的疾病,比方 Alzheimer 的病例非常切身相關。在Q&A的時間,會員們都非常踴躍的發言,陳醫師也很詳細回覆。長春會在此也一併感謝陳醫師對長春會會員們的愛護及照顧。
長春會八月份的月會,我們很榮幸邀請到前會長江朝雄先生的首肯,要和長春會會員們分享他的人生心得。此次他演講的題目是- “儍子檢到寶”, 請大家踴躍出席並且一起來分享江前會長人生的經驗和心得。
台灣人活動中心屋頂翻修工程已經在五月底全部完成了。 經過一、兩個月下雨的考驗,很幸運的我們沒有發現再有漏水的現象。只是三個排水系統以及上面入水口的鐵蓋子,跟原來的設計有點差異。 於是黃老閭、徐秋蓉理事長和我三人約好於 7/11/2019 (星期四) 2:00 pm在活動中心,再上屋頂檢查三個排水孔工程的問題。結論: 還是請黄老闆要用最專業的方式,確實把三個排水入水孔換成鐡蓋子完成。等這三個排水孔完工後,我們就會把最後的 10% 餘款結帳付清了。
基金會前面櫃台的 surveillance camera system 已經老舊而且有些故障,為了能夠繼續不斷的錄製記載外,且為了安全的考量,我們考慮要換全新的 system。希望能夠很快的把這新的 system 建立起來。目前我們最主要的問題是要找屋頂拉線的技工,因為天花板裡面線路很亂,這是我們面臨的課題,一定要克服完成。請同鄕們耐心的等待。活動中心有一群義工們,都是默默的付出,相信不久的將來,我們就會有全新的維安系統。
活動中心因為大廰場地的限制,7/19/19 已經把兩張比較老舊的球桌公開的開標,讓給有興趣的同鄕們來標售。於7/19/19(星期五) 下午二時在中心,經由三人在現場見證下,開標由最高標獲得。得主已經在 7/20/19(星期六)或 7/21/19(星期日)繳交標價後,自行用車搬離活動中心了。謝謝!