T. A. Archives (台美史料中心)
April 2019 issue NO. 48
T. A. History Book Series (台美人歷史叢書): Outstanding Taiwanese Americans (O.T.A.):
We selected 277 OTA and posted on T. A. Archives’’ website as shown in the link below:
This proposed book will consist of two portions: The oil paintings of the important event or achievement of O. T. A. and The Presentations of O. T. A. as shown in the link below for your suggestions:
T. A. History Book Series (台美人歷史叢書):
The link to this book is below:
We need your help by providing us with the brief histories, logos, and website/Facebook addresses of T. A. organizations.
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We had an awesome contest on February 25th! Congrats to our winners Carol for International speech and Nam for Evaluation. Thank you to all the contestants, judges, functionaries for making the contest work! Also, special thanks to Stephen Jones for being test speaker and our friends from Sharpstown, Southwest Speakers and Financially Speaking Toastmaster clubs.
Flora gave a series of speeches on dance, music and architecture to prepare for her upcoming presentation to a landscape architect conference. Kevin told us how to prevent identity theft, a preparation for upcoming workshop. If you've ever wanted to know how to increase your credit score or prevent identity theft for you and your loved ones, you are invited to free workshop at Tracy Gee on March 23! This is a community service project and Kevin is leading the ID theft portion.
On March 25, Helen gave an ice breaker speech, the three turning points of her life, and it turned out to be a very inspiring speech. Nam delivered a speech about leadership styles, he gave us many helpful tips on how to be a successful leader.
We had a variety of table topics, Patrick led a cheerful topic of spring activity, Carol encouraged members to think outside of box, and Stephen talked about aging.
Phil led us an intriguing table topic on good bad or ugly based on current events.
This month we emphasize on how to get rid of crutch words. Ah, um, so, well, and, ok, like …. Are you hooked on filler words? Do you start every other sentence with one? Drop the crutch and learn to let go of the "ahs" and the "ums" with these 4 tips!
1. Embrace the Pause, 2. Slow Down, 3. Know Your Point, 4. Practice.
Congratulations to our TACL club for achieving a 10-point credit!!! Especially thanks to Kevin for his leadership.
**** We meet on every Monday 7:30pm at Taiwanese Center. Check us out online at on Facebook @TACLtoastmasters or www.TACLclub.toastmastersclubs.org
BUY $10 GET $1 FREE 園遊會票券買十送一
第六屆台灣夜市Taiwan Yes Festival即將在4/20/2019在休士頓台灣人活動中心隆重舉行! 為了回饋鄉親長期的支持,即日起至4/13/2018止,園遊會票券買十送一。
2.運用網路Quick Pay系統,寄到houstontaiwanese@gmail.com
From now till 4/13/2019, you will get $1 free coupon if you order $10!
※How to buy coupons:
1.Pay cash or check at Taiwanese Community Center (5885 Point West Dr, Houston, TX, 77036)
2.Quick Pay to (houstontaiwanese@gmail.com) and pick up at Will Call on 4/20.
3.Credit Card (Leave us your name and number to TaiwanYes@taahouston.org, we will contact you shortly)
台灣人活動中心地址 TCC Address︰
5885 Point West Dr. Houston TX 77036
有任何問題歡迎來電休士頓台灣同鄉會會長 宋明麗 (832) 434-9688 或票務組組長 張美惠 (713) 504-5848 或來信 TaiwanYes@taahouston.org
If you would like faster service and direct information on pricing please contact Minly Sung at (832) 434-9688 or Jessica Chang at (713) 504-5848 or TaiwanYes@taahouston.org
日期:2019年04月06日(星期六) 下午2時半至下午4時半
地點:台灣人活動中心(5885 Point West, Tel: 713-271-5885)
內容: 這個月非常榮幸邀請到吳哲芳會友再度為我們演講,講題是〝休士頓的春季菜園〞,希望會友們踴躍出席參加!
長春會2019年度三月份月會已經在3/2/2019(星期六) 2:30pm - 4:30pm 圓滿的在台灣人活動中心舉行完畢◦ 此次月會我們邀請到理事林三江先生,他是德州註冊藥劑師,為大家演講的題目是“ 與’磷’共舞 “ ◦ 林博士說我們人體中的鈣和磷,兩者在人體間的分量有微妙關係,並且要互相取得平衡,才有互補作用,缺一不可。此次演講的要點是呼籲大家平常就要多吃新鮮的蔬菜水果,儘量要少吃那些複製品。會員們都非常踴躍參與而且大家都很注意聽講,覺得受益良多。日後我們有機會,會再次請林博士回來為大家作更多更廣泛的演講,感謝!
長春會四月份的月會,長春會很榮幸再次邀請到吳哲芳博士,有機菜園專家,再次做深入的演說。這次演說將於 4/6/19 (星期六) 2:30 pm 在台灣人活動中心隆重舉行。他這次的講題是“休士頓的春季菜園”,他要用自己親身體驗和大家做一個分析和感想,請會員們踴躍參加。
台灣人活動中心從10月1日開始,每個星期日下午 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm已經正式開放給同鄉們使用◦ 現在已經有不少同鄕們週日下午到活動中心來,或者在大廳唱唱歌、打打乒乓球、或到後面撞撞球、或靜靜地在圖書室看看書報◦ 安安靜靜地做你喜歡做的事情,渡過美好且有意義的星期假日,希望同鄕們能夠把握機會,善加利用◦
活動中心理事會在 3/9/19 (星期六) 經過討論後,對於中心平頂屋頂的維修工程,在會中初步有共識表決後,原則上會由低標JH Roofing Inc.來執行,但仍然要求他們能夠把工程將用的材料和施工方法儘量列出愈完善愈好,並煩請由前台灣的施工專家,王吉盛先生審查通過後,再提交由基金會理事會再做最後的討論表決後實施◦ 依照目前的交涉進度及相關作業,也為了避開 4/20/19 的”台灣夜市”活動,所以目前看來我們可能會在五月中旬完成屋頂翻修工程◦
各位鄕親們,活動中心已經公布很長一段時間,在週末需要一位 part-time 辦公室櫃台的經理人員,工作時間是週六 - 9:00am 到 5:00pm,週日- 2:00pm 到 6:00pm ◦ 目前有一位鄕親,洪淸源先生正在試用期間,看看這個工作的本身和他的意願是否能夠配合。活動中心將會做進一步的確認,也會讓鄉親知道◦ 這期間如果來活動中心,看到洪先生在前台,請大家不吝打個招呼,互動請安一下◦ 如果有任何建議或疑問請向櫃台經理或中心主任電話聯絡 713-271-5885 謝謝!