T. A. Archives (台美史料中心 )
October 2019 issue NO. 54
• Exhibition Rooms for Summer Conferences:
There are 6 major summer conferences/camp in the U. S. during the past five
decades. We have been collecting the following items for display:
1. Program books 2. Articles, 3. Flyers, 4. Photos, 5. CDs, 6. Tapes, 7. Logos, 8.
Banners, 9. T-Shirts, 10. Hand & Back Bags, 11. Miscellaneous Souvenirs, etc.
Below shows a circular logo (1984) and three banners (2019 & 2016) collected:
• Three Books of Summer Conferences:
East Coast: 318 pages
South East Region & South Region: 161 pages
Midwest Region, West Coast, Great Plane & TAF: 329 pages
We are working hard for collecting more information to be included in these books.
• Dear Coordinators/Managers of Summer Confenerces:
We would like to ask your help donating records of preparative meetings,
communications with participants, speakers, muscians, etc.
We can put together those documents in a file binder for each conference and
display in our exhibition room. There are more than 200 coordinators/Managers. If
we can collect some, it will be a big addition for the T. A. History.
• Dear Authors of Articles about Summer Conferences:
Please e-mail your articles to us. It will be posted on the T. A. Archives’ website
and some will be included in the above mentioned three books.
• Scholars Aborad Are Studying T. A. History:
A professor, representing a group of scholars in Taiwan, flew from Taiwan to visit
T. A. Archives Center in Irvine for the information about T. A. history because
they are studing and preparing some publications for it. T. A. history is an
important subject in academic fields worldwide now. We hope to have more
groups, including the ones in the U. S., working on it.
We also ought to collect as many historical information as possible, so we can be
one of the important information sources for those scholars worldwide.
• Collection of T. A. Newspapers:
We need your help to donate whatever T. A. newspapers you have to us. Many
issues of newspaper have not been collected yet. For example, many missing issues
of Pacific Times are shown in the link below:
• Donations Received in September :
One Circular Logo & Eight Banners of Midwest Conferences by K. Hong/MI
Two Banners, One Program Book, Two T-shirts & Souvenires of East Coast
Conference by S. Kao/NJ
Book of 23rd World Taiwanese Culture Summit by S. Cheng/CA
Two Directories of TAA/Greater Washington Chapter by K. Chen/MD
Seven Concert Program Books & Articles about three Young Outstanding T. A.
by C. Chen/NY
One Music CD of Y. Huang by Y. Huang/CA
Two Books by J. Chu/MO
• Progress in September 2019:
We collected 88 new entries in September. The total number of entries is 8952.
• Volunteers Needed:
Need volunteers to organize books in the T. A. Archives library and also prepare for publishing the book of “Publications”. The library is in Irvine/CA
To anyone hoping to grow as a leader, one characteristic is sure to help: confidence. Whether you are taking on a leadership role during club meetings or building leadership skills at work, coming across as confident can increase your influence. Confidence can be practiced and improved upon. You don’t need to make huge leaps or take big risks; even the smallest efforts will help build your confidence over time. Strategies include focusing each day’s activities, refining your skills before they are needed, leveraging volunteer roles to practice new skills and working through challenges. TACL Toastmasters provides an ideal environment to work on these confidence-building strategies.
On August 26, we watched the 2019 world champion Aaron Beverly’s speech video and did a round Robin on what we learned from his winning performance. Peggy spoke about effective coaching, she urged audiences to get over the barriers. Phil led a table topic about Pet Peeves. We skipped a meeting on Labor Day. On September 9, Kevin wowed us with an amazing visual aids, he presented a power point titled 2010’s. He created this power point to illustrate the period of 2010 to 2019 from varies aspects. It was an excellent work! Stephen talked about his leadership experience. Nam gave an unusual topic Rapture that had touched about the fact and the attitude of life.
We had another super meeting on September 16! Phil shared what he learned from his motivational strategies path, thus becoming our first member to complete a path and adding to his impressive Toastmasters repertoire! Congrats Phil! Patrick spoke about managing change. Sherry led an engrossing topic session on Fate, which was won by our returning guest Steve, who shared that knowing his wife was the one wasn't fate, but hard work. Sherry also enhanced her listening skill by giving comments to each participant. Thank you Carol & Helen, they brought moon cakes! On September 23, Flora started her first pathway speech, it was an ice breaker, she talked about another new chapter of her life. Nam presented a research speech, titled ‘Food Crisis’. Kevin led a fun topic on secrets.
9/9/2019 (Monday) 7:30pm-9:00pm TACL Toastmasters training program. Sunny Lin made honest and constructive feedback to Kevin Chang’s prepared speech for future speech improvement.
**** We meet on every Monday 7:30pm at Taiwanese Center. Check us out online at on Facebook @TACLtoastmasters or www.TACLclub.toastmastersclubs.org
長春會 - 2019年9月份和2019年10月份的月會活動報導:
1.長春會九月份的月會於9/7/2019 (星期六) 2:30pm - 4:30 pm在台灣人活動中心舉行。這次很榮幸邀請到韓美銀行經理 - 何安妮女士來做一個專題演講。她的講題是「如何保護個人隱私」,會員們非常踴躍出席參加。當場也提問好多問題,互動關係非常緊湊。何女士也帶來不少小禮品贈送給會員們,賓主盡歡。
2.休士頓文教中心陳奕芳主任親自於9/7/2019 (星期六)下午3時在長春會九月份月會現場受理僑胞卡申請,讓長輩們很輕鬆自在的能夠得到一張僑胞卡。手續非常簡單 (一)現場填申請表 (二)事先印妥美國護照或綠卡,附於申請表後 (三)當天攜帶美國護照或綠卡正本到現場驗證通過,當場即可發卡。持有僑胞卡的鄉親可享海內外各商家、甚至醫院消費優惠。當天辦理的會員們非常踴躍,也感謝陳主任不辭勞苦的為衆人服務。感激!
3.長春會十月份月會,理事會決定休會一次。每年在九月底或十月初,部分會員們都會回台灣參加雙十慶典。下一次月會將於11/2/2019 (星期六)開十一月份的月會,我們邀請到年青世代台灣子弟張哲祥 (Dr. Jack Chang,DDS)牙醫師來長春會,為我們鄉親們演講。他的講題暫定「老年人要如何來做牙齒保健呢?」 希望會員們踴躍參加。
【2019 年國慶盃高爾夫球公開邀請賽】
休士頓客家會及休士頓清閒俱樂部為慶祝中華民國108年雙十國慶,將主辦2019年國慶盃高爾夫球賽,比賽時間、埸地, 晚宴及頒獎資訊如下:
時間:10月19日,星期六,中午11時30報到 (12時45正 Shotgun Start)
場地:El Dorado Golf Course at Quail Valley,2880 La Quinta Dr, Missouri City, TX 77459,(281-403-5910)。
• 淨桿總分冠、亞、季軍
• 最長發球獎
• 最近球洞獎
• 幸運抽獎多名
報名費:每名球員$70, 費用包括球場費,獎杯,抽獎和晚餐.
歡迎各界高爾夫球愛好者踴躍參加,球賽報名表附錄如下,請按辦法寄主辦單位地址。有關球賽事宜請與 CH Chen @832-758-8244 或 Jim Hsu @832-818-8942 連絡。
休士頓客家會會長 汪幹雄
休士頓清閒俱樂部會長 呂健全
*************** 2019 Double Tenth Golf Tournament Entry Form *************
Name (English/Chinese) : _________________________________ Gender: _____
Handicap: _____ or Average Score: _____
Tel: ___________________ E-Mail: ______________________________
Make check payable to: Hakka Association of Houston, Inc.
Mail Check to:
Hakka Association of Houston
P.O. Box 19201
Houston, TX 77224
10303 Westoffice Dr. Houston
4)報名截止日:歡迎參加演出的合唱團 (隊)即日起至2019年12月31日止向“和樂之聲”
活動組填表完成註冊手續 。報名連絡黄湘沅 Jeffrey Huang, e mail: jeffreyHuang1@gmail.com
報名費 $50.00.
和樂之聲 理事長 楊明耕 敬上
2019-7-29 Houston, TX.
活動中心在今年五月初就開始把老舊的屋頂做了翻修工程,經過幾個月來的下雨考驗,現在已經可以公開宣佈以前經常有漏水的現象,現在已經完全沒有再為水患苦惱。也就是說,我們目前可以很自信的且又開心的說台灣人活動中心可以跟漏水説Bye! Bye!了。9/25/2019 (星期三) 下午三時左右,黃老閭也派了他的工人把三個排水孔換成 OMG O-Ring Drains,看起來既堅固且耐用,我們活動中心同鄕們都很慶幸又感激,以後不用再為水患問題而操心了。
台灣人活動中心決定今年(2019年) 將繼續舉辦乒乓球比賽。游福華老師兼教練已經在事前做些策劃,現在正在鼓勵乒乓球球員們多多報名參加比賽,也把乒乓球比賽規則和比賽項目細節部份都先訂定清清楚楚的,以利比賽能順利進行。最近九月底或十月初就會開始比賽,請大家拭目以待,來參觀並向比賽者鼓勵加油,謝謝!