T. A. Archives (台美史料中心)
January 2019 issue NO. 45
“Outstanding Taiwanese American” (O. T. A.) of Second Generation:
We would like to focus our efforts to nominate more O. T. A. from our second generation in 2019. We have about 30 now and will target for 100. Please help recommend your and friends’ children to us. Need the name and some information. We will do our own home work for more information.
Room for Displaying Activities of T. A. Organiztions:
We would like to display photos of the activities by your organization in this room as shown below:
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On November 26th, our speakers spoke with great acumen! Stephen illustrated why we shouldn't pre-judge others and Sunny informed us about the importance of magnesium in our diet. With his speech, Stephen has completed all the requirements for his Distinguished Toastmaster! Congrats Stephen!!!
The biggest event of the month is December 3rd open house. The purpose of open house is for our guests to learn about Toastmaster program, therefore, we had a demo meeting that start with a prepared speech, then table topic, and evaluation. Thanks to Rhonda Reeves for giving a wonderful speech, “Meant to Be”. Phil led a topics session on the holidays and gave our guests a taste of the Toastmaster experience.
After intermission, we had a totally awesome time to talk about ‘what Toastmaster means to me’. Here are some highlights. Tony said, Toastmaster is a group of good quality people, and mentor program is most valuable. Phil said, Toastmaster Training allows you to make mistake and learn from it. Nam said, because of Toastmaster training, he is able to turn a hour of rambles to a 2-minutes meaningful talk. Stephen said, Toastmaster offers the best leadership training program and the best camaraderie you can’t find elsewhere. Linh said, Toastmasters help others without asking for return, and Toastmaster brings the best of us. Marshall said, Toastmaster enables him to get out of his shell to improve himself, gives him voice and continue to grow. Carol said, Toastmaster is one of the best things she ever joined, Toastmaster is her desired lifestyle, Toastmaster helps her in every step she advanced.
We had an amazing open house with16 guests! Special thanks to Carol, Angela Luk, Stephen, Phil and all our members who worked hard to put this together and invite guests. We also celebrated Kevin and Stephen achieving their Distinguished Toastmaster awards. ——-Congratulations to Kevin and Stephen!!
On December 10th, Carol had a special presentation on “How to Conduct Productive Meeting”, she gave many helpful tips. She emphasized the importance of conducting meetings by valuing and making best use of everyone's time. Kevin led a fun topic session on Christmas gifts and our unfinished new year's resolutions. We had two guests, Amos and Emily. Amos won best topic with his strong belief that toilet paper does indeed make a practical Christmas gift. The word of year selected by Oxford is ‘Toxic’, this meeting was wonderfully non-toxic!
December 17th was club Christmas party, members and guests had a joyous time! We are off for holidays. Next meeting is January 7, 2019.
**** We meet on every Monday 7:30pm at Taiwanese Center. Check us out online at on Facebook @TACLtoastmasters or www.TACLclub.toastmastersclubs.org
日期:2/2/2019 (星期六) 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
內容: 跟同鄉報告一整年同鄉會業務及財務,另外就是當天投票選理事,年會只限會員。
費用: $10 (包括晚餐)
報名截止日: 1/30/2019 12pm
報名: 同鄉會電話 713-9818787 或是活動中心櫃台報名,另外也會發email 給大家
當日請繳交2019 年會費:
$40/ family
日期:1/5/2019 (星期六) 2:30pm
內容: 吳惠淸女士主講「銀髮族年長者的居家復健運動正確方法」
地點:台灣人活動中心(5885 Point West, Tel: 713-271-5885)
長春會2018年度十二月份月會 12/8/18 (星期六)是歲末年終的同樂會◦ 讓會員們互相分享這一年來個人生活經驗和感想、 或高歌一曲、 或説笑話講故事皆大歡迎◦ 感謝何麗珍理事解說就血緣的關係來證明大部分台灣人的真正祖先應該是由平埔族群和由東南亞群島來的原住民部落為主; 這是就血源關係的新認知٬ 感謝她分享她的心得◦ 另外有關同樂會表演者也非常踴躍٬ 這個月份上台表演者一共有: 陳家彥處長、柯嫚妮媽媽、許碧珠、黃博英、江淑芸、江朝雄和柯志佳◦ 這是2018年最後一次同樂會٬ 會員們互動非常愉悦٬ 整個會場氣氛很融洽◦
長春會2019年度第一次月會將於 1/5/2019(星期六) 2:30pm 在台灣人活動中心舉行◦ 此次月會我們已經邀請到吳惠淸女士٬ 她是註冊復健治療師٬ 將為大家演講◦ 她這次演講的題目是 “銀髮族年長者的居家復健運動正確方法”◦ 這次演講對我們長春會長輩們是非常有切身關係及非常有助益٬ 請所有的會員們能夠踴躍出席參加٬ 共襄盛舉◦
台灣人活動中心從10月1日開始٬ 每個星期日下午 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm 已經正式開放給同鄉們使用◦ 由於還有不少鄉親們不知道開放的訉息٬ 所以我們仍然繼續刊登這個廣告消息٬ 請鄉親們多多利用◦ 如果鄕親們需要租用教室開會、聚會、 座談會等也可以依照規章和辦公室經理接洽辦理٬ 感謝!
活動中心的平頂屋頂已經用了超過二十來年了٬ 目前如果遇到豪雨٬ 就會隨時隨地有漏水的現象◦ 長久以來٬ 我們都是由活動中心的義工們修修補補◦ 目前٬ 理事會也決定要先和已經來中心估價的廠商溝通٬ 現正在研究不同材料的耐用度以及評估探討施工後的保證期限等◦ 近期內٬ 在這些議題討論後٬ 回到小組再繼續硏究٬應該會有一個比較明確的方向答案٬ 知道要如何進行屋頂的翻修工程了◦
目前活動中心在週末仍然繼續需要一位工作part-time辦公室櫃台的經理人員٬ 工作時間是週六 - 9:00am 到 5:00pm٬ 週日- 2:00pm 到 6:00pm ◦ 凡是有興趣和意願的鄉親們請向櫃台經理或中心主任聯絡 713-271-5885 謝謝!