TACL Toastmasters Monthly Activities
Toastmasters International launches a new educational program - Pathways learning experience, an exciting, flexible and interactive way to develop member’s skills and help others in the same club develop theirs. Pathways helps you learn communication and leadership skills that you need to succeed. It gives you:
• The opportunity to build up to 300 unique competencies
• 10 specialized learning paths to choose from
• Online content, so that you can learn anytime, anywhere
• Real-world, transferable skills
Currently, our club members are participating in this new pathway program.
On April 23rd, our projector went on vacation, so we held our speeches in the grand hall, a grand venue for grand speeches by Carol on her Japan trip and Kevin on the wonders of air conditioning. They didn't let technical difficulties hinder them, they carried on, like Willis Carrier, inventor of AC. Congrats to Kevin for finishing his DTM Distinguished Toastmaster requirement. It was wonderful having Peggy back after tax season ended and Van made his return to our beloved club! We had a guest, Roger, who won the table topic with his change of view after a lung transplant. We're jonesing to hear a speech on that!
The allure of our club is so strong, we even attract guests from Malaysia! Albert visited us on an OTC business trip and gave a winsome speech titled "Persevere in Giving, Reward in Believing." Sherry gave her first Pathways speech, an icebreaker on turning a new leaf in life. Nam led a fun topics session on surprises which was won by Albert. His District 51 has had an earlier rollout of Pathways, so it was interesting to hear about his experiences and strategies for member improvements at MISC Toastmasters. We also had a returning guest, Roger. We miss all our members on vacation and hope Stephen feels better!
No bloviating, we had a rad meeting on May 7th! Patrick shared a parable about a cracked pot turning weakness into strength. This is his first Pathway speech. Stephen gave an acceptance speech for district's best treasurer, which he really actually deserves! For topics, Gordon led a fun session on online shopping. As usual, meaningful feedback was provided by the group and evaluators Peggy and Kevin. Thank you to Gordon's wife for the tea eggs.
What an extraordinary meeting on 5/14! Peggy gave her Pathways icebreaker on the new puppy in her life, Jiro, and setting out on her new path in Toastmaster. Unfazed by the technical issues from her last speech, Carol flawlessly delivered Part 2 of her Japan trip, the culture and food! Kevin led a fun topics session on Mother's day with questions such as: What is the best advice your mother gave you? Is mother's day too commercial? Proudest moment as a mom? Would you rather be in trouble with boss, spouse or mom? Of course we had valuable and insightful feedback for all our speakers.
Check us out online at on Facebook @TACLtoastmasters or www.TACLclub.toastmastersclubs.org
時間: 下午2:30至下午4:25
地點:台灣人活動中心(5885 Point West, Tel: 713-271-5885)
講員及內容: 吳哲芳先生來為我們講解精彩的「家庭菜園」
請會員們注意, 六月份的活動因有FAPA的活動, 聚會時間提早半個小時,理事及志工也請提早
半個小時排桌椅、掛長春會的長牌子, 也請大家告訴大家.
6/2/2018 月會:1:30PM 排桌椅,2:00PM 開始報名;2:30PM月會正式開始;4:15PM
長春會五月份月會活動報導 (5/5/2018)
當月會進行到壽星慶生活動後, 時間也差不多進行約四十五分鐘左右, 我們就安排健身活動, 讓大家都能夠活動活動。 由長春會會員沈忠臣老師上台帶領大家做健身操和拉筋活動。 大約做了十幾分鐘, 大家感到氣血循環變得非常活躍, 對下半場的活動能夠更順利進行, 非常有助益。
月會的專題演講是由徐秋蓉女士主講, 她目前也是基金會活動組主任。 這次的活動重點是依照上個月「原始點簡介」之後, 再一次來為大家實際操作, 原始痛點的演練, 有50多人圍著三張床位, 經過詳細說明後, 大家的反應熱烈迴響, 發問問題的人此起彼落, 但因為時間關係, 欲罷不能。 那就看以後徐主任能夠另外擇期繼續介紹原始點的演練了, 我們到時候會再通知所有會員們! (請看照片2)
【台灣傳統週系列活動:Sing for Taiwan】
地點:僑教中心 (10303 Westoffice Dr, Houston, TX 77042)
日期:6月16日 (週六)
【2018 美南夏令會】
台客音 ‧ 台美心 ‧ 台灣情
多元視角 展望新局
The Westin Houston, Memorial City
945 Gessner Rd, Houston, TX 77024
6/29 (Fri) - 7/1 (Sun)
報名費用:成人$195 / 學生$125 / 小朋友5歲以下免費
很高興在此宣布今年的美南夏令會「台客音、台美心、台灣情-多元視角,展望新局」將在6月29日(五)至7月1日 (日)在休士頓的 Westin Hotel - Memorial City盛大舉行。
另外,台灣旅行法Taiwan Travel Act的通過,無疑是台灣關係法後,台美關係的大躍進。現在,台美高層互訪的限制已經打破,而台灣在中國金錢政治統戰之下面臨巨大危機,我們該如何藉由台灣旅行法的通過,來幫助台灣在國際關係上有所突破?我們休士頓剛出爐的FAPA總會長郭正光,將與大家談談現在與台灣政府要如何在台美關係的推動上尋求更深更廣的合作。
今年的夏令會節目緊湊,絕對讓同鄉們收獲滿滿,希望同鄉們把時間留下來,踴躍報名參加,不要錯過了這一年一度盛會。如有問題請聯絡台灣同鄉會會長何世杰 (713-261-4430)或美南夏令會總幹事周建佑(214-799-4980)。
休士頓台灣同鄉會 敬邀
• 活動日期:6月29日(五)- 7月1日(日)
• 報名費用:成人$195;學生$125;小朋友5歲以下免費
• 早鳥 Early Bird(5/27之前報名): $20 Discount
• 活動地點:The Westin Houston, Memorial City
• 活動地址:945 Gessner Rd, Houston, TX 77024 (TEL:281-501-4300)
• 訂房網站:https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/Book/TAA
• 房間價格:每晚$119(含隔日早餐)
社民黨 - 苗博雅
休士頓臺灣松年學院即將在6/24日禮拜天下午3:30PM, 邀請二胡家/中提琴家林維洋, 於恩惠長老教會開一場「胡說琴話」的音樂沙龍,歡迎大朋友小朋友一同來參加。
林維洋才剛與紐約新亞室內樂協會來休士頓演出,新亞的動人琴聲與藝術水平高超, 當天音樂會廣受好評,松年趁他六月會來休士頓的這一天, 邀請他舉辦一場音樂沙龍,當天不但會演奏好幾首中提琴、二胡曲目,也歡迎聽眾提問,歡迎大家一起來聆賞難得的中西音樂,享受午後時光。
當天音樂沙龍免費入場, 請大家邀請大家!
Amphion String Quartet 創辦人與中提琴手,獲林肯中心室內樂協會指定簽約2013~2016年固定室內樂團,唱片獲紐約時報讚譽「2015年最佳古典音樂專輯之一」
紐約Solisti Ensemble , 紐約古典樂手樂團 (New York Classical Players) 團員
受邀與小提琴大師帕爾曼(Itzhak Perlman) 一同於大都會博物館演出
電影《天堂口》Blood Brother 配樂二胡手
首演Sir Peter Maxwell Davies與茱麗亞歌劇製作協會演出歌劇 《Kommilitonen!》擔任二胡獨奏
獨奏首演 Jeeyoung Kim 作品《Engraft》於卡內基音樂廳
曾與密爾沃基管弦樂團、格蘭特公園管弦樂團、費城室內樂管弦樂團、紐約大都會博物館、OK Mozart 音樂節、西北室內樂音樂結、卡拉摩爾音樂及藝術中心等樂團合作演出
T. A. Archives (台美史料中心)
A Room for the Publications and Artifacts by Formosan Clubs and Taiwanese American Associations:
We are collecting the journals, directories, Newsletters and artifacts issued by these T. A. organizations in the past 7 decades. We have very limited collections from 1950 to 1980 period. Please help us find some publications during this period.
The program books and artifacts of T. A. summer and autumn conferences have being collected and displayed in this room, too.
June 2018 Newsletter of T. A. Archives (台美史料中心)
書法大師, 李春生先生捐贈毛筆10枝, 活動中心表示謝意。
活動中心男厕所內的兩個洗手台, 目前經過檢查調整, 只要把手放置在感應區內自來水已經能恢復自動出來的。 感謝吳文山的辛勞。
教室 104 、124 等中間幾間教室, 冷氣設備經過詳細檢查, 已經恢復正常空調運作了。 再度謝謝吳文山的付出幫忙。
現在已經進入暑假了, 天氣也漸漸開始變得很懊熱。 在這炎熱的天氣, 如在外面走動或運動是非常辛苦的, 活動中心裡面也有很多活動, 有空調又能健身, 真是一舉數得, 比如 - 養生健康活動、乒乓球運動、卡拉OK、 Line Dance、英文發表演說訓練、日文説讀、瀏覽書報雜誌等等。 中心也歡迎同鄉們多多利用和支持。 我們也希望同鄕們能夠三不五時常常來活動中心把它當作自己的家一樣。 常常回來看一看,多多利用為大家準備的資源, 感恩。