Friday, November 1, 2019
Emcee: Adam Chou & Helena Cheng
3:30 - 4:15 報到 Arrival
4:20 - 5:20 晚餐Dinner
5:20 - 5:30 Silent auction
5:30 - 5:40 理事長報告 Chairman Report
5:40 - 6:00 獎學金頒獎 Scholarships Award
6:00 - 6:05 壁畫項目—葉郁如 Mural Project
6:05 - 6:35 表演 Show time
1. 帥哥團-- 恰恰 Chilly Cha Cha
2. 民俗舞蹈班-- 桃花鄉 Folk Dance
3. 客家會歌謠班-- 客家組曲 Chorus (童年夢,公婆歌,客家本色) 指導老師:魏明亮
4. 排舞班-- 排舞Linda Ah!
5. 健身運動班-- 小巧玲瓏舞蹈團Tiny Dances
6:40 專題演講 Patrick Wang 家庭的故事
8:00 摸彩Price Drawing
台灣人傳統基金會邀請您參加我們一年一度的募款餐會, 餐會將於11月9日下午3:30到8:00在台灣人活動中心舉行。會中將備精緻餐點包括現做雞蛋糕和蛋捲、精彩節目、獎品摸彩及台美第二代多才多藝王沛智導演的主題演講,歡迎您闔家一起參加支持我們的募款餐會。
基金會是非營利組織,感謝大家過去三十年來的合力打拼及贊助捐款,才能繼續成長茁壯。目前,我們的募款所得金額約$40,000,離我們的募款目標$100,000尙有一段距離,希望您能再大力支持此次募款活動。基金會每年的年度開銷約 $100,000,主要的任務之一是管理及維護台灣人活動中心。近幾年因屋頂老舊,每逢下雨就四處漏雨,之前還能靠同鄉義工東修西補,勉強撐著。今年年初,漏雨越發嚴重,已到無法修繕的地步,才由理事會決定將屋頂翻新。 屋頂汰換工程在今年五月完成,汰換面積 13,512 平方英呎,總花費約$67,000。 現在大家可以安心的在活動中心大廳集會、運動、休閒、學習,不用再擔心天花板會因漏雨而忽然掉下來。
另外,活動中心外牆的互動式公共藝術計劃,也在構思三、四年後,今年得到休士頓市政府的補助,正式開始工程,讓中心增添更多藝術元素,也提供台美人藝術創作平台。基金會這一年來舉辦了許多大家喜愛的活動,例如最近的野生動物展,宛如把一個小型的野生動物園帶入中心,小朋友和大人都開心不已。還有廣受歡迎的五月節粽子 DIY 活動,年輕活力四射的桌遊及 Facebook 版聚活動,讓大家有好氣色的化妝講座, 時尙饗宴的品酒活動,以及兼俱知性與感性的一日遊。除此之外,基金會還和其他社團合作辦活動,如與同鄉會合辦台語文及長照講座等。在推展台灣文化及藝術方面,在活動中心舉辦的Art & Culture Fair,及在亞洲協會舉辦的 AsiaFest 中介紹台灣傳統童玩及原住民舞蹈表演,都驚艷會場。今年初和休士頓自然科學博物館一起舉辦「台灣主題」活動,更成功的把台灣文化藝術推向主流社會。
台灣人傳統基金會理事長 徐秋蓉敬上
募款餐券計分$50, $100, $200, $500, $1000和特別贊助等六種,報名和捐款方式如下
1. 到基金會網站www.houston-taiwanese.org 線上報名。
2. 收到基金會的募款信後,請填上參加人數,是否素食,和支票放入回郵信封寄回基金會,支票抬頭為THSH
3. email THSH@houston-taiwanese.org報名,參加人數,是否素食,捐款數額,晚會當天櫃檯繳錢。
4. 和以前一樣可以向基金會理事、幫忙推銷義工、或活動中心經理洽購。
5. 學生免費優待,請email報名,註明學生。
6. 線上贊助
依循往例,贊助千元以上者,將列出大名,永誌於活動中心。還有您的捐款可以免稅,在收到捐款後電子收據馬上由email送出以便您報所得稅之需,如需紙本收據,請到櫃台領取。假如您任職的公司有Matching Fund Program的話,希望您向公司申請,您的公司也將會捐款給基金會,這樣您的捐款可達到雙倍效果。
2019 THSH Fundraising Dinner – Heritage, Innovation, and the Future
Date: 9rd of November, 2019
Time: 3:30 – 8:00 pm
Location: Taiwanese Community Center, 5885 Point West Dr, Houston TX 77036
The Taiwanese Heritage Society of Houston is embracing the support and sponsors from the whole community over the 30 years, and we strive to grow and achieve higher goals every single day.
The building is almost as old as the foundation, and cost of management & maintenance is about $100,000 annually. When the leaking became so severe in several areas and repair was no longer an option, the board decided to approve a special funds of $67,000 in May for the replacement of the entire roof, covering more than 13,000 square feet. We are thrilled to announce that the new roof has not only released more space for the members’ activities and exercise, but also provides a safer environment for everyone who comes to the community center.
The year started out well, we were honored to present Taiwan in the Houston Museum of Nature Science event series World Trekker on February 1st. It was exciting to communicate about Taiwan to the general public. The event was so successful we were invited by Asia Society Center of Houston for their “Asia Fest” in June, where we demonstrated a few traditional children’s games & toys for more than 4,000 attendees in one day.
The inhouse activities within the community center are not less exciting. Some of the most popular family events are “Texas’s Rare Wildlife Species”, “Zoofari “, “Art and Culture Fair”, and the Zongzi DIY & purchase on Dragonboat Festival. On to the young professionals’ side, we initiated the very first “meeting your Facebook friends” in the center, and continue board games evenings monthly. In addition, we hosted varieties of events such as makeup class, wine tasting, day trips, and Taiwanese language learning classes.,
Another major achievement of 2019 was the mural project funded in part by the City of Houston is nearing completion, depicting a 3D object surrounded by flow and waves. The theme “Time in a Tide Pool” evokes the way of life of an immigrant.
The primary mission of the Foundation is to maintain and manage the Taiwanese Community Center and to support the activities of various associations by providing venues and facilities. We are aiming to make the "Taiwanese Community Center" a great place for all Taiwanese-Americans where they can stay connected, active, and continue their lifelong learning experience in the Greater Houston area.
The spirit of the Taiwanese Heritage Society of Houston is passing experience down through the generations. We’d like to invite you to work with us and support this Taiwanese-American legend continuing in this country.
This year, we’re delighted to have Taiwanese-American Patrick Wang, a nominated independent movie director, who will join us and share some wonderful stories from his multicultural film-making experience.
All donations are welcome, as well as your feedback.
This year, we’re delighted to have Taiwanese-American Patrick Wang, a nominated independent movie director, who will join us and share some wonderful stories from his multicultural film-making experience.
All donations are welcome, as well as your feedback.
To register your attendance for the dinner, please select any means provided below:
1. Online registration at our website: http://www.houston-taiwanese.org
2. Follow the instructions upon receipt of the letter from THSH and reply with a check (Payee: THSH) and details of the guests.
3. Email THSH@houston-taiwanese.org with the number of attendances, meal preference, and donation. Payment to be made at the door on the event date.
4. Register through the manager or volunteers at the THSH.
5. The event is free for students. Register through the maager or voluteers as student.
6. For those who are not able to make the dinner, you may donate through this link
Evelyn Hsu
Chairwoman of Taiwanese Heritage Society
今年台灣人傳統基金會我們將持續參加B.I.G. Love 今年台灣人傳統基金會我們將持續參加B.I.G. Love 為癌童及家屬的募款健走活動,支持這些小小生命鬥士及辛勞家屬,12月7日早上7點歡迎大家作伙、全家大大小小為生命的美麗而走!請大家到活動中心櫃台或是(線上報名)
。大人$ 30,兒童2-11歲$ 20
地點: Pearland Town Center Pavilion
11200 W Broadway St #500
Pearland, TX 77584
報名截止日: 11月30日
曾經 - 蔡淑媛
像一首美曲一幅名畫的奧地利》- 雅夫子
強身又強身 - 林錦燦
台灣查某人一記我的五位阿姑 - 宋明綉
基金會電子報徵稿原則 :
五、來稿請E-Mail到 休士頓台灣人傳統基金會THSH@houston-taiwanese.org
六、來稿若需打字,字跡須寫清楚,可以E-Mail 到 THSH@houston-taiwanese.org或是交給活動中心櫃台。
內容: 今年傳統基金會募款餐會很高興邀請到在這長大的台美第二代導演Patrick Wang和我們分享“家庭故事”為主軸的專題演講,在他的電影中運用很多家庭題材,凸顯社會議題、發人深思。此次演講將呈現他成長和電影藝術中的各式各樣家庭交織著台美人故事,內容包括他的家庭、台灣人活動中心大家庭、他的電影及台灣電影的家庭,歡迎大家11月9日一起來聆聽Patrick Wang令人心動的“家庭故事”。
Patrick畢業於長春藤學院MIT,卻在電影藝術界大放異彩,多才多藝集導演、編劇、演員及寫作於一身,目前導演的電影有In The Family、The Grief Of Others、A Bread Factory 。以下為電影簡介的網站:
除了演講以外,會中我們也會頒發獎學金、精彩的表演節目以及摸彩,請大家一起來支持我們這個休士頓台美人共同的厝。 (線上報名)
時間︰11月16日 晚上 7點到10點
地點︰台灣人活動中心 (5885 Point West Dr., 77036)
內容: 台灣人傳統基金會 (THSH) 邀請大家一起來玩桌遊
> Deep Sea Adverture 深海探險
> Skull
> Kakerlaken Poker 德國蟑螂
> Codenames 機密代號
> Telestrations
> Dixit 說書人
> Carcassonne 卡卡頌
> Werewords
> 金魚撈撈
> Saboteur 矮人礦坑
> Spyfall 間諜危機
> Casa Grande
> 鋼鐵與火藥
> Isle of Skye
> Camel Up
.... 等等
【十一月份一日遊】Lake Jackson Sea Center and historical Museum
時間: 11/19(星期二) 7:45報到;8:00 出發
地點: Lake Jackson, TX
內容: 將去Lake Jackson Sea Center參觀水族館,孵化場和室外濕地,以及去參觀Lake Jackson歷史博物館。
報名費: 會員每人$35,非會員$45 (線上報名)
【十二月份一日遊】聖誕節燈會觀賞 - Magical Winter Lights-Houston
地點: 休士頓, 位於Gulf Freeway (45) 東邊
內容: 一年一度的聖誕佳節已經悄悄來臨,相信萬聖節後陸續會有人在他們的房子上佈置漂亮的聖誕燈。增添許多聖誕節氣氛。中心今年照往例會特別安排Houston 有名的聖誕節燈會觀賞活動,與同鄉共度佳節。我們已經去過Moody
Gardens 燈會和Houston Zoo Lighting。今年要邀請大家去Magical
Winter Lights-Houston。 此次燈會分為8個展示區,有Kindom,
Village, Dinosaur, East, Houston, Ice, space 和 Sea。還包括有6:30 到8:30 pm 的中國雜技表演,另外有一些games、小商家tents、及Souvenir tents。此次活動日期時間是12月4日(星期三) 6:15 pm 在活動中心集合出發,預計約10:30pm 回到中心。
報名費: 會員65歲以上每人 $23, 其他會員每人$32, 非會員每人$42。當天晩餐自理。 (線上報名)
【十二月份路跑/健走公益活動】B.I.G LOVE's 2019 Santa Dash Fun Run
地點: Pearland Town Center Pavilion
11200 W Broadway St #500
Pearland, TX 77584
內容: 今年台灣人傳統基金會將持續參加B.I.G. Love 為癌童及家屬的募款健走活動,支持這些小小生命鬥士及辛勞家屬,
請大家到活動中心櫃台或是線上報名。大人$ 30,兒童2-11歲$ 20
報名截止日: 11月30日 (線上報名)
台灣人活動中心在10月5日(星期六)中午12:30-1:30再次邀請Dr.Jack Chang來中心演講有關「植牙」相關問題。張醫師簡介植牙的歷史,植牙牙材結構,主要分為牙冠、支台及植體。並解釋説大部分植牙發現問題,主要歸因於植牙處的骨頭狀況。在舉例幾個他自己的cases之後,開放回答同鄉的問題。比如植牙一般價格(美國及台灣),回台灣植牙值得嗎?美國保險公司cover 嗎?可以使用税前的HSA 及 FSA 帳戶的錢來付植牙所有相關的費用嗎?解答了許多我們對植牙的疑惑!(張明忠撰文) (更多活動照片)
【十月份一日遊】Bluebell ice cream & San Felipe de
Austin State Historic Site
十月份的一日遊地點是在 Brenham 的Bluebell ice cream factory 及 San Felipe de Austin的新建的歷史博物館。
1907年在德州建廠製造的 Bluebell ice cream,如今超過百年暢銷美國23州, 是德州家戶喻曉的旅遊景點。位於休城西北方的 Brenham 車程一個半小時,一般都是走八號公路接290,此次的司機 Mr. Lam 帶我們走99號新建的 Mayor Bob Lanier memorial high way,天氣雖然陰雨卻格外清新。進入 Bluebell Ice Cream Factory, 迎接我們的是堆高堆滿的半加侖ice cream 桶子,金色的圓蓋耀眼奪目,是團體照的好景。隨之走進觀察台參觀加味及成裝的過程。然後享受$1一勺的ice cream,口味很多,最受歡迎的是 home made vanilla. 同時來了一群高中生,頭上都帶者小船帽,喔!原來在樓下的入口處可隨意取帶,我們一下車就衝上樓,沒注意到可愛的小船帽,於是大伙兒帶起船帽照像,一群可愛的老玩童。
下午的行程是在偏僻的San Felipe de Austin, museum 提供我們 package 包括午餐。這個才建好一年半的歷史博物館,針對 Stephen Austin帶領300戶移民來德州開創新世界的故事及獨立戰爭的因果過程,篩選歷史文物做特別展示。館長親切詳細的介紹德州獨立戰爭的歷史,重點連結Alamo,San Jacinto 兩重要戰役,讓我們對德州獨立戰爭及這個曾經是殖民時代的都府為何一夕之間燒毀,人民潰逃的歷史實事有更多的瞭解。
10 月份會員捐贈的衣服食品我們都送給Turning Point Center,基金會亦樂捐$500給他們。Turning Point Center的創辦人Ms. Isha在1988年把她的房子賣了,用她所有的積蓄買了一個34個單位的公寓社區作為老年遊民居住所。Turning Point Center顧名思義就是這些老年人的轉捩點,提供他們住所、食物、衣服、心理諮商及就業輔導,讓他們可以再度回歸貢獻社會。和Ms. Isha 聊及我們還可以幫忙些什麼,她帶我們到他們的蔬果園及廚房參觀,不知不覺我就帶回一些可幫忙他們的想法,如為那裡的老人家準備台式菜餚餐點,協助幫忙整理他們那¾英畝的蔬果園等,如果可以,屆時和大家一起走出基金會,到Turning Point幫忙。(徐秋蓉撰文)
(球友陳鳳梧打球帥姿,photo by Katrina)
1. 單打 - 張明忠 (冠軍), 游續中 (亞軍), 梁長椿 (季軍), 廖文豪 (殿軍)
2. 雙打 - 邱玉枝、游福華 (冠軍), 林榮發、吳文山 (亞軍), 廖文豪、柯志佳 (季軍), 梁長椿、陳正佑 (殿軍)
今年2019年度的乒乓球友誼賽,就在我們自己的厝下台灣人活動中心圓滿結束。在那歡欣鼓舞的氣氛、紛圍下順利完成。大家互相勉勵加油,等待明年再度交鋒,互相較量一下吧! 謝謝!(柯志佳撰文)
【Young Professional Workout Club】
Today we’d like to introduce you to Chih-Chien Chou (周志謙) - THSH Fitness Club Coach
(VoyageHouston 專訪周志謙教練)
So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
In 2009, I moved to the United States from Taiwan to pursue my Ph.D. at Ohio State University. During my time as a doctoral student, I went to the gym at least three times a week so I can deal with the stress of daily life. Shortly after finishing my doctoral degree, I worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University in California. Two years later, I would come to MD Anderson here in Texas as a Postdoctoral fellow in the Immunology department. At the same time, I was still hitting the gym hard to better myself. One thing I realized as a Cancer Researcher, is how devastating and crippling this disease is. Not only does it drag you down physically, but mentally as well. Since studying Immunology in cancer, I realized that everyone should develop and train their Immune System. In my mind, that correlates to healthier eating and physical training. Doing both has a unique way of bolstering the body defenses against bacteria, viruses and even cancer. I believe that “Exercise is cheaper than therapy and food is the best medicine in the world.” These are two things that everyone should invest time and effort in.
Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Life’s road is never really smooth. When you get to those bumps, I view that as a chance to grow and conquer the obstacle and become a better person because of it. My personal fitness journey has had its share of those bumps. In the past, I had no know knowledge of working and dieting. I just simply did whatever I felt to get rid of body fat and gain muscle. If two years of not seeing the results I desired, I realized how much time, money, and effort I wasted without doing the proper research. Finally doing the proper research and also talking to various experts, I reworked my diet and workout regimen. Being consistent with a well-planned physical workout and diet program, did I begin to see the results that I desire. I also believed that it helped with something else, aging gracefully. Would you believe that I am actually 38 going on 39? I know genetics play a role, but I believe diet and exercise help our genetics express anti-aging effect of a greater scale.
Alright – so let’s talk business. Tell us about Majestic Natural Fitness – what should we know?
I currently hold a young professional workout club at the Taiwanese Heritage Society of Houston near China Town. The main purpose of this club is to help people develop their workout habits and also share the knowledge of a healthy diet. During class, I coach our members on how you to use various types of fitness equipment to train the various muscles within the body. We use dumbbells, resistance bands, and also battle ropes. We also perform various High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) routines. HIIT routines are a very efficient in fat burning and also muscle endurance. In conjunction with this class, I have also created a Facebook fan page (Possible Website in the Future) where I offer workout tips, fitness knowledge and also scientific studies to the members of the group. One thing that I am proud of as an amateur fitness coach is how motivated and dedicated my members are. They have a strong desire to be fit and that really helps me to push them to not only be fit but also gain more confidence within themselves. All I want is to create to friendly, positive, and motivated fitness community for my club members. I believe this sets me apart differently from others.
Is there a characteristic or quality that you feel is essential to success?
Passion and connection to others are the two most important things that I believe have brought me to my success. Passion is my driving force that motivates me with my fitness to never get tired of it. I tend to focus on what I am passionate about, this pushes me to be the best I can be at it. This is why I continue to post motivating pictures of myself and of my club members on social media. This is also how I created my fitness club at the Taiwanese Heritage Society of Houston. One of my friends as me to start my fitness club and here we are today. I viewed this as the way to connect with others. I seized my opportunity to be a fitness coach to connect with others by helping them develop workout habits and also a healthier lifestyle. I am looking forward to seeing how great of a success I can be along with the others that I coach.
公告: Young Professional Workout Club Coach 周志謙先生因工作要搬到加州,所以11月17日將是最後一次的Fitness Workout Session.
T. A. Archives (台美史料中心 )
It wouldn't be an embellishment to say we had an awesome time on
September 30. Lorrine shared the impact
her mentor Eva made in her life and Linda regaled us with little known facts
from her Aruba trip. Patrick led an
intriguing topic session with thoughtful would you rather... questions. We had a guest, Carol's grandson and she
brought popsicles too! It wouldn't be an embellishment to say we had an awesome time on September 30. Lorrine shared the impact her mentor Eva made in her life and Linda regaled us with little known facts from her Aruba trip. Patrick led an intriguing topic session with thoughtful would you rather... questions. We had a guest, Carol's grandson and she brought popsicles too!
Our meeting on October 7th was an unmitigated success! Sherry shared memories of our club mentor Charles from Sharpstown Toastmasters and the impact he made on our fledgling club and members. Sunny wowed us with tales of his travels in Tibet. Stephen led a challenging topic session interpreting anecdotes and we had insightful feedback for our speakers. We had a guest, Vincenthia.
No beating around the bush, we had a hoot of a time on October 14. Stephen shared wisdom on moving on from a job and Nam spoke about all the things money can't buy. Phil encouraged us to think outside the box by using idioms like look like a million dollars and up in the air. Lorrine allowed us to share our sour grapes with a topic session on pet peeves.
We had a small but totally awesome meeting on October 21. Kevin spoke about the word ‘sonder’ which means we're not the main character and that our actions have real effects on others whose lives are just as real and important as our own. Linda shared her leadership style and some lessons from her time on student council. For table topics Helen led a fun session on dilemmas and there were some passionate answers on the death penalty, paternity leave and beauty pageants! Per usual, insightful feedback was given for our speakers.
We had annual Halloween Meeting on October 28, agenda including storytelling relay, Halloween Trivia game, and table topics. We enjoyed pizza, vegetables tray, fruits, and many sweet treats. We had 2 guests, Erica and Janie.
**** We meet on every Monday 7:30pm at Taiwanese Center. Check us out online at on Facebook @TACLtoastmasters or www.TACLclub.toastmastersclubs.org
2019年十一月份月會通知 2019年十一月份月會通知
日期:2019年11月2日(星期六) 下午2時半至下午4時半
地點:台灣人活動中心(5885 Point West, Tel: 713-271-5885)
內容:這個月11/2/19榮幸邀請到:Dr. Jack Chang, DDS。講題:老人的牙齒保健;請會友們踴躍參加。
長春會 - 2019年10月份和2019年11月份的月會活動報導:
1.長春會十月份月會 (10/2019)理事會決定休會一次。每年在九月底或十月初,部分會員們都會回台灣參加雙十慶典並且順便旅遊,也鼓勵會員們毎年在九月、十月多多回去走走看看我們國家故鄕的美麗與進步;同時有機會也能夠把台灣那多彩多姿的一面,介紹推廣到全世界各個角落去。
2.十一月份月會 - 將於 11/2/2019 (星期六) 2:30pm - 4:30pm 在活動中心開11月份的月會。我們邀請到年青世代台灣子弟,張哲祥 (Dr. Jack Chang, DDS) 牙醫師來長春會為我們鄉親們演講。 他的講題暫定 “老年人要如何來做牙齒保健呢? “ 希望會員們都踴躍參加。謝謝!!
10303 Westoffice Dr. Houston
4)報名截止日:歡迎參加演出的合唱團 (隊)即日起至2019年12月31日止向“和樂之聲”
活動組填表完成註冊手續 。報名連絡黄湘沅 Jeffrey Huang, e mail: jeffreyHuang1@gmail.com
報名費 $50.00.
和樂之聲 理事長 楊明耕 敬上
2019-7-29 Houston, TX.
活動中心在今年五月初開始做了屋頂翻修工程,經過幾個月來的下雨考驗後,現在可以公開宣佈,以前屋頂經常有漏水的現象,不勝其擾,現在已經完全沒再為水患苦惱了。我們目前可以很有自信的且又開心的說台灣人活動中心已經換成全新的屋頂且可以跟漏水現象説 Bye, Bye了!9/25/2019(星期三) 下午三時左右,黃老閭也派了他的工人把最後的三個排水孔換成 OMG O-Ring Retro Alum Drains,看起來既堅固且耐用。我們活動中心同鄕們都很慶幸又感激以後不再為水患的問題操心了,大家也可以自由自在的在活動中心安心的出入了
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