Friday, March 1, 2019
Together, We Did It!
2/1/2019 World Trekkers event: Taiwan theme @ Houston Museum of Natural Science
2/1/2019 在Houston Museum of Natural Science 的World Trekkers: Taiwan 創下歷屆各國家主題中最高人數,約6、700人的活動。World Trekkers 是博物館固定家庭活動, 每年最多選四個國家為主題,活動設計以動手做、活潑、有趣、讓小朋友體驗如至當地國家旅遊實境感。我們很榮幸能和博物館合作,以9個主題打造台灣活動,加上博物館的固定攤位,大人小孩都玩得不亦樂乎!
表演:布袋戲 — 日月潭傳奇故事
原住民舞蹈 — 迎賓舞
夜市攤位: 打彈珠活動,加上珍奶及鹽酥雞實體及食物相片展示台灣夜市美食
藝術文化攤位: 彩繪紙傘及童玩沙包、陀螺示範,體驗台灣藝術文化的樂趣
歷史攤位: 台灣史動畫平板電腦、原住民族群配配樂遊戲及台語教導,活潑介紹台灣歷史 、人文和語言
地理攤位: 透過動手玩台灣地層模型,並以地球儀、地圖、海報展現台灣特有的地形、氣候、地理環境
生物攤位: 透過製作石虎紙帽及圖畫文宣,傳達台灣動植物之美
趣味事實攤位: 讓大家搶答一些有名的人、事、物,大家可能不知道是台灣特有事實
農曆年攤位: 以發紅包、展示舞獅、 鞭炮、春聯、拜拜過年應景氣氛
俏皮照相區: 以台北101為背景,搭配台灣衣飾元素及俏皮道具及大相框,營造有趣且富台灣味的相片
博物館固定攤位: 輕食區、藝術氣球、臉部彩繪、Kids splash(共同彩繪一幅主題畫)、護照及攝影區
布袋戲組:顔琇莉、蕭文源、張明忠、方俊人、吳文山、Eric Liao、Ariana、 Chen Avery Wang、Jefferson Yu、Natania Hsyung、Stephanie Chou、Raymond Chou
地理組:Kevin Wang、Anna Tseng
歷史組:潘美苓、李秀英、楊佩雯、吳韻琴、Sharon Chang
夜市組:Christine Ward、柯秀琴(台灣同鄉會)、Jack Chang、Mark Lin、Alicia Wei、Amiel Chen
生物組:邱麗卿、Sally Wang、Yonyong Chang、Gracy Shen、James Hwang
趣味事實組:Helena Cheng、 Yuting Chang、John Adams、Polly Cheng、Rose Huang
台北經濟文化辦事處(TECO) 提供台灣觀光立牌和介紹小册
(閱讀各組報告) (更多照片)
這次我們的表演主題為”Celebrating With Us” ,琇莉向大家簡短介紹了台灣、基金會及表演內容,美瑢帶領舞蹈組成員秀綾、怡如、澄波及琇莉表演原住民舞蹈,她們再加上文山及明忠合唱台聲所指導的台語歌,大家都為我們的表演驚艷。我們的理事長吳世杰也是到埸為大家拍照,為這大家用心投入有意義的活動留下美好紀錄。(更多照片)
台灣人傳統基金會有感於許多志工投入時間,勞心勞力地參與基金會許多活動的推廣,讓許多活動能夠順利進行,達到令人驚豔的果效,基金會特別在3月3日(星期日)中午12:00~ 下午2:00舉辦一個志工感恩聚餐(Volunteers Appreciation Party)來謝謝每位參與幫忙的志工。只要您是基金會的志工,都歡迎來參加。為便於我們準備餐食,煩請能來參加的志工跟Evelyn(秋蓉)或是活動中心經理報名(713-271-5885)。謝謝。
休士頓台灣語文學校前校長張仁裕代表學校領取了台灣教育部「推展本土語言傑出貢獻獎」。領獎後接受了自由時報、中央廣播電台和聯合報訪問。張前校長對自由時報記者表示無法接受台灣教育部還是把台語改成閩南語,所以記者接受他的要求寫成台語,也要求把教育部用民國74年改成1985年因為台語學校是在美國的學校 應以西元紀年。透過這次參與這項獎項與接受訪問的過程,希望使得各地的台籍與台裔人士瞭解推動母語教育的重要姓以及分享休士頓台灣語文學校過去34年來在美國保存台灣語言和文化的篳路藍縷過程。(基金會電子報編輯組)
Together, We Did It! - 2/1 自然科學博物館 Outreach 報告集
保險不保險 - 林錦燦
從 BTS 談舞蹈健身 - 吳連山
One Day When We Were Young - 蔡淑媛
「休士頓台聲合唱團」中美洲文化交流精彩演出深獲好評 - 宋明綉
台聲團圓聚餐 - 宋明麗
基金會電子報(The Link)自8月2016年出刊至今已有兩年半的時間了,感謝鄉親在這段時間所給予我們的支持及鼓勵。我們期待藉由電子報能夠更有效率、更快速地將基金會以及休士頓台美人社團的消息及時地給鄉親們知道。我們也希望藉著鄉親們的分享好消息、好資訊、以及生活點滴,可以讓基金會電子報的內容能夠更加豐富。所以電子報編輯組誠摯地邀請大家來投稿,任何家庭、親子話題、生活隨筆、保健心得、遊記、食譜、食評、影評或是任何專業人員之專業分享皆歡迎。若是能附上相片更佳。在不違反作者原意下,編輯組有權刪改來稿。若您不希望我們做任何刪改,請事先註明。轉載稿件則需得到原作的許可。稿件請E-Mail到 THSH@houston-taiwanese.org 謝謝。
時間︰3月9日 1:00-2:30pm
地點︰台灣人活動中心 (5885 Point West Dr., 77036)
內容: 這堂是女生們最有興趣的化妝課呦!
化妝除了可以讓女生變漂亮以外 在適合的場合畫適合的妝 會讓你看起來有精神 看起來很自信 甚至很專業呦!
我們這堂課會跟大家討論「底妝 修容 眉毛 眼睛 嘴巴 」這五部份 教大家畫個有精神又自然的淡妝!
歡迎大家帶著自己”現有的化妝品” 在老師示範的時候一起試著畫 沒有化妝品的同學也沒關係 什麼都不用帶 千萬不要急著去買新的化妝品 因為這堂課也會告訴大家哪種適合初學者跟怎麼樣挑選適合自己的化妝品!期待課堂上跟大家見面!
時間︰3月9日 晚上7點到10點
地點︰台灣人活動中心 (5885 Point West Dr., 77036)
台灣人傳統基金會 (THSH) 邀請大家一起來玩桌遊 :)
> Deep Sea Adverture 深海探險
> Skull
> Kakerlaken Poker 德國蟑螂
> Codenames 機密代號
> Telestrations
> Dixit 說書人
> Carcassonne 卡卡頌
> Werewords
> 金魚撈撈
> Saboteur 矮人礦坑
> Spyfall 間諜危機
> Casa Grande
> 鋼鐵與火藥
> Isle of Skye
> Camel Up
.... 等等
時間: 3月23日(星期六) 中午12:30開始
地點: 台灣人活動中心 (5885 Point West Dr., 77036)
內容: Texas A&M的農藝大師,知識及經驗豐富的Dr.Jean Fefer 將再度到活動中心用英文為我們講解正確的農藝技術。這次的講題是跟同鄉分享有關於一些適合春天種植的特殊蔬菜,以及如何事先準備合適的菜園、什麼時候該播種、什麼時候該施肥、以及什麼時候該收穫等寶貴的知識。歡迎大家來參加。(會員及非會員皆免費) (線上報名)
Brief bio for the speaker Dr. Jean Fefer:
Ph.D. Northwestern University – Inorganic/Physical Chemistry, 1956
Completed the Harris County Master Gardener course in 1997.
Took the Urban Harvest Organic Specialty Vegetables Course from Dr. Bob Randall in 1999.
In 2000-01 I served as 2nd Vice-president and program coordinator for Master Gardeners and in 2001-02 served as president.
Completed Texas Master Gardener Propagation Specialists Workshop in 2003 and Irrigation Specialist in 2012.
Served on the Board of Urban Harvest as Vice-President
Served as chair of the MG Education Committee and taught the Plant Propagation class for the MG Program and for Urban Harvest. Taught “How to start a Community/School Garden” and co-teach “Fall Vegetable Gardening” wit Dr. Bob Randall for Urban Harvest. Volunteer for the MG Speaker’s Bureau.
For 9 years coordinated activities at a 2000 sq. ft. donation vegetable garden and orchard serving the needs of the Turning Point Center, a temporary residence for some of Houston’s homeless elders.
Currently work as a volunteer Outdoor classroom teacher at The Branch School in Spring Branch.
【三月份一日遊】 High Island去賞候鳥、坐渡輪到Galveston Island、Outlet Mall
時間: 3月25日(星期一) 早上7:45報到;8:00出發
內容 : 3/25一日遊帶大家到High Island去賞候鳥, 7:45am 集合,有望遠鏡的朋友記得帶你的望遠鏡去看清楚,如果有噴蚊液記得也帶上。
中午會在一家評分蠻高的餐廳吃午餐,有Blackened Burger、 Shrimp or Fish Poboy, chicken tender Basket 4種選擇,為了節省時間,請在報名時就選好你的Lunch,這樣就可以預先訂餐。下午會乘渡輪過海到Galveston,然後再去東南部一個較不常去的Outlet Mall逛逛,再從那裏回休士頓。
費用:會員$ 30(包括報名費10元,門票8元,午餐12元,), 非會員 $ 40 (線上報名)
葡萄酒與亞洲菜餚的搭配 - Guide to Wine and Food Pairings
2月16日(星期六)下午1:00,基金會邀請Helena Cheng 來跟大家介紹有關品酒與亞洲菜餚的搭配。因為Helena擁有英國和美國的品酒師證照,她整理一份“基本食材和葡萄酒相互作用”的圖表來跟大家講解介紹。
1 ) 飲茶與Cava sparkling wine
2) 北京烤鴨與 Morgon Cru Beaujolais
3) 東坡肉與 Los Arcos Sherry
4) 蛋塔與 sweet Lustau Sherry
This past Saturday 02/16/2019, Helena Cheng presented an engaging class on Wine Tasting & Asian Cuisine Food Pairing. Because Helena holds wine tasting certifications from both the UK and the United States, she was able to pull together a very effective chart on “Primary Food & Wine Interactions”.
Students were able to try and rate the following pairings:
1) Dim Sum with Cava sparkling wine;
2) Peking Duck with Morgon Cru Beaujolais;
3) Braised Pork Belly with Los Arcos Sherry; and
4) Egg custard dessert with sweet Lustau Sherry.
Given the highly positive student response, Helena and the Board will be considering additional wine tastings, perhaps quarterly or bi-annually. (By Bob Ward)
台灣語文學校很榮幸在這星期六(2/13/2019)邀請到葛瑪蘭麵包坊 Kamalan Bakery 蒞臨指導我們的烹飪課程。這次葛瑪蘭麵包坊教導學員製作蛋黃酥。連憲武師傅嚴謹和注重細節態度配合上專業知識使得學員對烘培這項工藝有了更深度的認識。(更多照片)
時間︰下午1:10 ~ 下午2:50
【二月一日遊】 再遊 SAS 鞋廠
2/26的一日遊的目的地在聖安東尼奧(San Antonio),旅程較遠,所以提早在 早上7:15報到。休士頓當日早晨天氣陰霾,但是越往西邊開,天空也越漸開朗起來。當天第一站就是到上次沒能好好遊逛的日本花園(The Japanese Tea Garden)。
台美藝文連線 (葉郁如 主筆)
市面上, 影片多如牛毛,但是休士頓美術館的影片主管,每年在世界影展精挑細選,只有達到一定的藝術程度的佳作,才能在美術館推出。例如奧斯卡提名的短片或是介紹藝術家梵谷的影片。
台美人第二代導演 Patrick Wong 的新作, A Bread Factory , Part one & Part two, 將在三月中旬(3月15、16、17) 在休士頓美術館上演三天。
有關 Patrick Wong 的介紹,請參閱2018 11月基金會電子報。
(註) 劇中的重要配角還有Janet Hsieh(前台灣旅遊節目Fun Taiwan主持人,同鄉謝慶輝/王英惠女兒)以及George Young (Janet’s husband) 。
T. A. Archives (台美史料中心)
March 2019 issue NO. 47
“Outstanding Taiwanese American” (O. T. A.):
We selected 264 OTA consisting of 65 young generations as shown in the link below:
We are encouraged by support from many of you who nominated your children or friends’ children to us. We hope to reach 300 soon and would like to prepare a book of ”Outstanding Taiwanese Americans 300” to be one of the first books of this kind in the T. A. history book series.
More information is added under the presentation of each O. T. A., such as their bio information, life stories, publications, videos, etc., if available, so the viewer can know more about each O. T. A.
T. A. History Book Series (台美人歷史叢書): T. A. Organizations:
We are still preparing this book as shown in the link below:
There are lots of organizations still have “No Information”. Hope you can help by providing us with the brief history, logos and website/Facebook addresses of T. A. organizations.
... (continue reading)
To raise the bar of clubs across the globe to be more uniform and top-performing, Toastmaster International President Lark Dooley says, “2019 is the year of WOW, this will be our new good standard.” TACL Toastmaster Club will strive to continuously be a successful club. Become WOW is our new goal!
What a totally awesome meeting on January 21st! Substantive speeches from Patrick on the grind of persevering through his old job and Sunny on the qualities of a good leader. Kevin stepped in for Carol on table topics, asked some fun questions and we had a hoot answering them.
On January 28th, Kevin spoke about planning for our upcoming contest on Feb 25th and Carol compared East vs West birthday traditions. Table topic theme was Lunar New Year, Lorrine asked us many interesting questions, this is how Toastmasters training help you to think on your feet !
On February 4th, we had a gangbusters lunar new year's eve celebration at Le Lai restaurant, and everyone was pleased with dishes we ordered. It was good to see old friends Grace, Oliver and William. Welcome back to Houston, Flora!
Two excellent speeches on February 11th, Nam taught us that never be a prisoner of your past, it was just a lesson, not a life sentence. Sunny taught us the importance of balancing yourself.
Flora reinstated as member and gave a speech on February 18th, she talked about Dance, Music, and Landscapes. Our members were able to give her valuable suggestions for her upcoming seminar. Nam led a discussion on peace prevent war.
Our club contest is coming up on Feb 25, it's International speech and Evaluation! Winners will represent our club to area contest on March 9.
**** We meet on every Monday 7:30pm at Taiwanese Center. Check us out online at on Facebook @TACLtoastmasters or www.TACLclub.toastmastersclubs.org
Meet楊安澤(Andrew Yang)募款餐會
Who: Andrew Yang, 2020 Presidential Candidate (D)
What: Discussion, Dinner, and Fundraiser
When: Saturday, March 9th, 4:30pm – 7:30pm
Where: 5885 Point West Dr., Houston, TX 77036
Hosted by: Taiwanese Association of America – Houston Chapter
How: Free to attend discussion session! Boxed light dinner starts @6:00PM, $100 per person, check payable to “Friends of Andrew Yang.” Ticket sales start at door.
Contact: Minly Sung 832-434-9688; Kevin Chou 214-799-4980
About Andrew
Andrew Yang is an entrepreneur and author running for President as a Democrat in 2020. In 2011, he founded Venture for America, a national entrepreneurship fellowship, and spent the last 6 years helping to create more than 2,500 jobs in cities like Cleveland, Detroit, and Pittsburgh. His work at VFA had him recognized for many awards including multiple from the Obama White House such as being named a 2012 Champion of Change and 2015 Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship. When Andrew realized that new technologies like artificial intelligence and automation threatened to eliminate one-third of all American jobs, he knew the nation needed a leader with a vision for our radically different future. In his book, The War on Normal People, he explains the mounting crisis and makes the case for a Universal Basic Income: $1,000 a month for every American adult, no strings attached, one of the central pillars of his policy platform.
Meet楊安澤(Andrew Yang)募款餐會
時間: 3月9日(星期六) 4:30pm – 7:30pm
地點: 休士頓台灣人活動中心
內容: 50年來, 第一位華裔參選民主黨總統候選人楊安澤Andrew Yang,即將訪問休士頓與大家面對面!募款金額由$100起跳,豐儉由人,也請告訴你的朋友一起來,謝謝大家!
父母都是來自台灣,楊安澤既有律師身分又是創業機構的執行長,對美國的將來有獨特的看法,強調亞裔在美國社會的重要性, 有能力做無限的發展。
日期:2019年03月02日(星期六) 下午2時半至下午4時半
地點:台灣人活動中心(5885 Point West, Tel: 713-271-5885)
內容: 邀請到林三江兄來做我們的講員,他的演講題目是與「磷」共舞,欲知內容,請大家踴躍參加!
長春會二月份的月會正逢農曆新年,所以2019春節聯歡會於 2/2/19 (星期六) 2:30 pm 在活動中心隆重舉行。 有歌唱表演,還有同鄉顏憲欽先生一人飾二角(塞外關公及老和尚),自導自演自唱的布袋戲表演,他唱做俱佳,把大家帶回舊時瘋迷布袋戲的情景。當天也有許多摸彩獎項,大家都高高興興、歡歡喜喜得歡聚一堂迎新。
(台聲合唱團登上遊輪展現文化外交造訪貝理斯,陳立國大使特贈印有 1st Taiwan St. 的紀念牌給台聲,由指揮張廖莉娜、領隊吳振成帶回休斯頓再轉給團長王慶隆。)
(photo source: 大紀元/孫玉玟)
午餐後大家主動上場表演,載歌載舞,獨唱合唱,樂器演奏等等節目。我們歡迎陳瓊琿姊妹參加合唱團,她今天表演長笛,令人耳目一新。大家同樂到下午三點才盡興而歸 。
曾經來訪休士頓的台灣導演葉天倫(同鄉葉明霞的姪子)和NETFLIX合資製作的影片--雙城故事(A Taiwanese Tale of Two Cities,有部分是關於台美人的故事),已在今年以134種語言190個國家同時上線。雙城故事第十集有同鄉謝慶輝的女兒(Janet Hsieh)客串演出。第二部叫紫色大稻埕(La Grande Chaumiére Violette),是有關1920 年代台灣藝術家的故事,是由謝里法的同名小說改編的。現在這兩部連續劇可以在 Netflix 上stream。如果家中有 Netflix 的人,可以search 英文名字找到,有英文字幕。
Scholarship Awards Available
Deadline to Apply – March 27, 2019
The following scholarship Awards information were sent from Ms. Karen Loong who is the Scholarships Coordinator at Taiwanese American Scholarship Fund (TASF) and Asian Pacific Community Fund (APCF). The information and applications can also be found at http://www.apcf.org/programs/scholarships/
2019 Taiwanese American Scholarship Fund
Application Deadlines for ALL scholarships: 11:59PM - Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Grants 10 - $5,000 scholarship awards to students of Taiwanese descent planning to attend a university/college in the U.S. in Fall of 2019.
United States citizen AND direct blood descendant of a Taiwanese citizen.
High school senior or 1st year college student residing in the United States.
Plan to attend a University or College as a 1st or 2nd year full-time student in the Fall of 2019 (If selected, high school seniors must submit college acceptance letter for verification.)
Have a minimum cumulative unweighted high school/college GPA of 3.0.
Have a household income at or below the Federal/State/County Low Income Level (Must be able to show 2017 or 2018 tax return should applicant be selected for award.)
The scholarship is open to ALL majors.
2019 Cathay Bank Scholarship Program
Application Deadlines for ALL scholarships: 11:59PM - Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Grants students 20 - $1,000 in scholarship awards for high school seniors planning to attend college as a full-time, degree-seeking student in Fall of 2019.
High school seniors who reside in California, Washington, Illinois, Nevada, Maryland, Massachusetts, Texas, New York, and New Jersey.
Plan to attend a U.S. Accredited 4-Year College/ University or a Community College in the state of California, Washington, Illinois, Nevada, Maryland, Massachusetts, Texas, New York, and New Jersey as a 1st year student in the Fall of 2019 (if selected, must submit college acceptance letter for verification)
Have a minimum cumulative unweighted high school GPA of 3.0.
Have a household income at or below the Low Income Level (Must be able to show 2017 or 2018 tax return should applicant be selected for award.)
The scholarship is open to ALL MAJORS and there is NO ETHNICITY REQUIREMENT.
Employees of Cathay Bank and their immediate family members are NOT eligible to apply.
2019 Royal Business Bank Scholarship Program
Application Deadlines for ALL scholarships: 11:59PM - Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Grants students 25 - $1,000 in scholarship awards for high school seniors planning to attend college as a full-time, degree-seeking student in Fall of 2019.
High school seniors who reside in Los Angeles County, Orange County, Ventura County and Clark County – Nevada, and New York City.
Plan to attend a U.S. accredited 4-year College/University of California/Nevada Community College/New York Community College as a 1st year full-time student in the Fall of 2019 (if selected, must submit college acceptance letter for verification)
Have a minimum cumulative unweighted high school GPA of 3.0.
Have a household income at or below County Low Income Level (Must be able to show 2017 or 2018 tax return should applicant be selected for award.)
This scholarship is open to ALL MAJORS and there is NO ETHNICITY REQUIREMENT.
Employees of Royal Business Bank and their immediate family members are NOT eligible to apply.
2019 Mega Bank Scholarship Program
Application Deadlines for ALL scholarships: 11:59PM - Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Grants students 10 - $1,000 in scholarship awards for high school seniors planning to attend college as a full-time, degree-seeking student in Fall of 2019.
High school seniors who reside in Los Angeles County and Orange County, California.
Plan to attend a U.S. Accredited 4-Year College/ University or a Community College in the state of California as a 1st year student in the Fall of 2019 (if selected, must submit college acceptance letter for verification)
Have a minimum cumulative unweighted high school GPA of 3.0.
Have a household income at or below the Low Income Level (Must be able to show 2017 or 2018 tax return should applicant be selected for award.)
The scholarship is open to ALL MAJORS and there is NO ETHNICITY REQUIREMENT
Employees of Mega Bank and their immediate family members are NOT eligible to apply
台灣人活動中心從10月1日開始, 每個星期日下午 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm 已經正式開放給同鄉們使用。 現在已經有不少同鄕們週日下午到活動中心來,或者在大廳唱唱歌、打打乒乓球、或到後面撞撞球、或靜靜地在圖書室看看書報。安安靜靜地做你喜歡做的事情,渡過美好且有意義的星期假日,希望同鄕們能夠把握機會,善加利用。
各位鄕親們,活動中心在週末仍然繼續需要一位 part-time 辦公室櫃台的人員,工作時間是週六 - 9:00am 到 5:00pm, 週日- 2:00pm 到 6:00pm . 目前,有一位鄕親 Mr. Ching-Yuan Horng 正在試用期中,看看這個工作的本身和他的意願是否能夠配合。這期間如果您來活動中心,看到洪先生在前台,請大家不吝打個招呼,與他互動一下。如果有任何建議或疑問請向櫃台經理或中心主任電話聯絡 713-271-5885 謝謝!
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