T. A. Archives (台美史料中心)
September 2019 issue NO. 53
• Senior T. A. Born before 1935 ( in 1934 and Before):
We collected and posted 32 T. A. in this group as shown in the link below:
• Other Unique Groups of Taiwanese American Ethnic Group::
We are interested in collecting more information for the following unique groups:
In the Blacklist of Taiwan Government
Relatives of Taiwan 228 Incident
Return to Mother Country (Taiwan) for Second Career
Young Students and Single Parent Families
• Exhibition Room for the Summer Conferences Sponsored by Taiwanese American Organizations in the Past Five Decades:
We want to collect and display as many as possible for the historical important event of T. A. community. If you are the coordinator for one of the summer conferences, please donate your communication and preparative documents to us.
• The Book of Publications by the T. A. Individuals and Organizations:
We have collected the following publications in this book:
834 Books ( Different titles, in Hanji and English)
192 Magazines ( Collected Many Issues of Some Magazines )
73 Newsletters (Paper Form, Collected Many Issues of Some Newsletters)
64 E-Newsletters ( Collected Many Issues of Some E-Newsletters)
19 Newspapers & E-Newspapers ( Have a Complete Collection of Taiwan Tribune. But, We Need Your Help for Collecting The Missing Issues of Other Newspapers).
• Who’s Who:
We have collected the bio-information of 2,212 Taiwanese Americans. Hope you can support us with your friends’ and your bio-information with the use of the form in the link below:
http:// taiwaneseamericanhistory.org//blog/2212-blank-bio-form/
A word file of this form is at the bottom of this form. You can also e-mail your bioinformation to us. We will prepare it for your approval first before posting.
• Portrait Painting of Outstanding T. A. Collected in August 2019:
•Donations Collected in August 2019:
Two Large Cartons Containing Books, Magazines, Documents, Newsletters, CD, etc.. by Dr. & Mrs. M. H. Wang/IL
One Magazine & One Hand Bag of TAC/WC by Prof.
Wang/Utah v One Book by Dr. H. Chao/CA
Two Program Books (2018 & 2019) of Music Concerts by Mrs. P. Chen/NY
Three Program Books of Taiwan Night 2019 Concert by TCC/MD
• Progress in August 2019:
We collected 133 new entries in August. The total number of entries is 8864.
• Volunteers Needed:
Need volunteers to organize books in the T. A. Archives library and also prepare for publishing the book of “Publications”. The library is in Irvine/CA
E-mail Address: taarchivescenter@gmail.com
Toastmaster mentoring benefits both mentor and protege, and the relationship is mutually beneficial. A mentor is to give constructive guidance, ask questions to identify protege’s need, and sometimes may simply listen to his or her thoughts and frustration and help create positive outcomes. Also, providing nonjudgmental support is crucial to mentor-protege relationship. As a mentor, you need to respect difference and focus on similarities, respect protege’s unique experience and background in order to build a well-balanced partnership. Mentoring can be challenging, and this totally awesome club goes extra miles. Our club is not only assigning a mentor to a new toastmaster, but also the whole club helps to mentor new comers. During meetings, we have group evaluation, and answer questions. Outside of meetings, we have means to communicate, to share information and knowledge with fellow members at all levels of experience.
Here are meeting highlights: On July 29, Sherry gave a speech on effective evaluation and it really helps our new toastmasters to improve their evaluation skills. This speech earned her a ACG award! Helen talked about Acupressure massage and how it benefits our health. What a totally awesome meeting on August 4th, it was anything but insipid! We had FIVE guests! Club president Lorrine spoke on how to conduct productive meetings, thus achieving her Advanced Communicator Gold! Sunny gave a fun social speech praising our Totally Awesome club. Sherry led a topics session on charity and all guests had opportunity to speak.
On August 12, we had a beautiful mongo cake to celebrate Lorrine’s birthday. Linda spoke about how to prevent car burglaries and Nam shared stories about how the majority may not always be right. Carol led a fun topic session on class reunions. Thanks again to Stephen for picking another good watermelon! On August 19, Carol emphasized the importance of mentoring in toastmaster, Phil encourages members to serve as club officers, because we can’t spell Awesome without me. Stephen led a fun topic by asking varies questions of personal preferences.
**** We meet on every Monday 7:30pm at Taiwanese Center. Check us out online at on Facebook @TACLtoastmasters or www.TACLclub.toastmastersclubs.org
日期:2019年9月7日(星期六) 下午2時半至下午4時半
地點:台灣人活動中心(5885 Point West, Tel: 713-271-5885)
講員: 這個月9/7/19榮幸邀請到:韓美銀行的經理何安妮,為我們分享〝如何保護個人隱私〞講座,請會友們踴躍參加。
長春會 - 2019年8月份和2019年9月份的月會活動報導:
1.長春會八月份的月㑹,已經在 8/3/2019 (星期六) 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm 於台灣人活動中心圓滿完成。這次是邀請到前會長、顧問 江朝雄先生和長春會會員們分享他的人生體驗。此次他演講的題目是 “儍子檢到寶”,所有參與的會員們都非常感謝江前會長寶貴人生的經驗及心得。
2.長春會九月份的月會,9/7/2019 (星期六) 2:30pm - 4:30 pm 在台灣人活動中心舉行。這次很榮幸邀請到韓美銀行經理何安妮女士來做一個專題演講。她的講題是”如何保護個人隱私”,請會員們能夠踴躍出席參加。
3.休士頓文教中心訂於 9/7/2019 (星期六)下午3時在長春㑹九月份月會現場受理僑胞卡申請,歡迎鄉親們(一)現場填申請表 (二)事先印妥美國護照或綠卡,附於申請表後 (三)當天攜帶美國護照或綠卡正本到現場驗證通過,當場即可發卡,持有僑胞卡的鄉親可享海內外消費優惠。
10303 Westoffice Dr. Houston
4)報名截止日:歡迎參加演出的合唱團 (隊)即日起至2019年12月31日止向“和樂之聲”
活動組填表完成註冊手續 。報名連絡黄湘沅 Jeffrey Huang, e mail: jeffreyHuang1@gmail.com
報名費 $50.00.
和樂之聲 理事長 楊明耕 敬上
2019-7-29 Houston, TX.
台灣人活動中心前面櫃台的 camera monitor security system 已經老舊而且有些部分發生故障。為了能夠繼續不斷的錄製記載,且為了安全的考量,基金會已經决定要換成全新的系統。與前任基金會理事長蕭文源研究討論過,發現換全新解析度較高的鏡頭,價格不算太貴且合理。目前,我們最迫切的是要找到能夠在天花板裡面會拉線路的技工,因為天花板裡面線路很亂,也需要花一點時間來解決。這是我們目前面臨的課題,還有我們也需要重新安置缐路的材料、數量、和長度。我們很感謝長期貢獻社區的郭正泉師兄,他剛好有些庫存的缐路,可以捐出來讓活動中心來使用。而同鄕會副會長,台聲合唱團現任團長王慶隆也將提供拉缐的服務。我們很慶幸活動中心有一群義工們,都是默默的付出,非常感謝! 相信不久的將來,我們就會有全新的維安系統了。
台灣人活動中心,是否如去年繼續舉辦乒乓球比賽? 現在已經請游福華老師事前做些策劃,先調查現在正在打乒乓球的球員們,有沒有意願參加比賽嗎? 也把乒乓球比賽規則和比賽項目細節部份都先訂定清清楚楚的,以利比賽能順利進行,請大家拭目以待。謝謝!