休士頓台灣同鄉會〜2018 Taiwan Yes Festival (台灣夜市)
日期: 4月21日(星期六)
時間: 早上10:30〜下午4:00
地點: 台灣人活動中心@ 5885 Point West, Houston, TX 77036
TACL Toastmasters Monthly Activities
Whether you’re new to giving speeches or are a seasoned speaker, Toastmaster training will help you hone your skills. Get tips for how to prepare speech and present to audience, use visual aids and props, incorporate body language into your presentations, and more. With time and practice, you’re sure to see improvement in your ability to communicate and an increase in your confidence as well.
TACL Toastmasters Club at Taiwanese Community Center are helping members to grow their communication skills and leadership. We meet every Monday night 7:30 - 9:00. We welcome guests to visit our meeting and find out what Toastmaster is all about! Here is a glance on what we do on every Monday night.
On February 26, we had a fun meeting as always with a guest, Noe! We were short a speaker unexpectedly, so we had an extra round robin topics in addition to a great session led by Gordon. Phil gave his icebreaker to kickoff his Pathways journey, and Carol evaluated Phil’s speech.
On March 5th, Sunny gave an inspiration speech on you are someone who matter, and you can make the world better. Nam is working on advanced manual - interpersonal communication, he gave a speech on how to make a conversion with strangers. Table topic theme for the week was ‘advice’, fellow Toastmasters were able to gave helpful tips and valuable personal experiences.
March 12th was our club International speech and table topics contest and we had a great contest! Thank you to all the guests and volunteers from Sharps Town Toastmasters Club and Financially Speaking Club who made it possible! Carol won 1st and Phil 2nd for International and Phil won 1st and Kevin 2nd for Table Topics Our winners will represent the club at joint area contest on Saturday March 24, 11:15am brief, noon start at Trini Mendenhall off I10 & Chimney Rock / Wirt. We'll also see our old M32 friends there.
What an edifying meeting on March 19th, we learned from Nam about how to handle criticism and from Sherry about maintaining a good club climate to attract more members. Patrick led a table topic on Spring which led to some really entertaining responses. As usual we had sharp evaluations from our seasoned crew of Toastmasters, including feedback for Carol who will represent us at Area Contest!
Our Area M34 contest is 3/24 Sat 12pm @Trini Mendenhall, Also, don't forget, we are looking for 5 members for the $250 discounted club rate to attend the District 56 Spring Conference, May 11-12 Fri/Sat at the Stafford Center! Hear the the best speakers in Houston and meet awesome people!
Check us out online at on Facebook @TACLtoastmasters or www.TACLclub.toastmastersclubs.org
時間: 下午2時半至下午4時半
地點:台灣人活動中心(5885 Point West, Tel: 713-271-5885)
講員:陳柯穎小姐, 慈心看護,主題是「如何為您將來的長期 護理需要做好準備」
請會員們注意, 四月份的活動本來是第一個星期六(4/7) , 但是這個月為了配合基金會的活動, 我們已經改為是第二個星期六(4/14), 也請大家告訴大家. 以免浪費大家的時間。
T. A. Archives (台美史料中心)
A Room for the Publications and Artifacts by Formosan Clubs and Taiwanese American Associations:
We are collecting the journals, directories, Newsletters and artifacts issued by these T. A. organizations in the past 7 decades. We have very limited collections from 1950 to 1980 period. Please help us find some publications during this period.
The program books and artifacts of T. A. summer and autumn conferences have being collected and displayed in this room, too.
April 2018 Newsletter of T. A. Archives (台美史料中心)
連鍾琦先生 (Louis Lien) 捐贈全新四支撞球桿給予同鄕們做撞球娛樂用途。
邱文珍女士捐贈11盤裝菜用的盤子, 現放在廚房的櫃子上, 提供給大家使用。
活動中心 - 設施改善
上個月連續下了幾天雨,以致於停車場東邊的草埔地變得鬆軟,因此也造成土壤流失,有點高低起伏而變得不太平穩。上星期基金會理事會,我們有提議向外面買一些沙土來先把高低不平的地方填好, 預先估計第一次就order 10 cubic yards 的土壤來做初步改善,適時再做進一步處理。 星期四 (3/22) Texas Garden Materials 運來 10 cubic yards 的土砂先做些暫時性的處置了。土已經來到,但要一些人來一起做會比較快完成,也因此臨時通知同鄉會何世杰會長是否能夠來幫忙把那些沙土堆弄平, 他豪不猶疑的一口就答應説: 星期六(3/24) 晨 9:00 am 會帶一些工具和幾個人來支援,實在感心。我 9:20 am 到達現場時,何會長已經帶領著十幾人在那邊搬土耙土, 大家默默的做,無言的付出。我心中感到無比的溫暖,讓我也感到有意義的事,總會有人在旁支持你、配合你。再度感謝這一群好友們的熱烈支援,有你們真好!! (活動中心主任 - 柯志佳)