Taiwanese Heritage Society of Houston 2016 Annual Survey 休士頓台灣人傳統基金會2016年度調查
1. What is your gender? (您的性別?)
2. What is your age? (您的年齡?)
Under 12 years old (12歲以下)
12-17 years old (12-17歲)
18-24 years old (18-24歲)
25-34 years old (25-34歲)
35-44 years old (35-44歲)
45-54 years old (45-54歲)
55-64 years old (55-64歲)
65-74 years old (65-74歲)
75 years or older (75歲以上)
3. What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? If currently enrolled, highest degree received. (您的最高學歷是? 若現在仍在就學,目前最高學歷是?)
No schooling completed (沒有學歷)
Nursery school to 8th grade (育幼園〜8年級)
Some high school, no diploma (高中肄業)
High school graduate, diploma or the equivalent (for example: GED) (高中畢業)
Some college credit, no degree (大學肄業)
Trade/technical/vocational training (職業訓練)
Associate degree (專科畢業)
Bachelor’s degree (學士學位)
Master’s degree (碩士學位)
Professional degree (特別專業訓練)
Doctorate degree (博士學位)
Prefer not to answer (選擇不回答)
4. What is your marital status? (您的目前的婚姻現況是?)
Single, never married (單身,從未婚)
Married or domestic partnership (已婚或是同居)
Widowed (喪偶)
Divorced (離婚)
Separated (分居)
Prefer not to answer(選擇不回答)
5. Are you currently? (您目前的工作狀況是?)
Employed for wages (領薪員工)
Self-employed (自僱)
Out of work and looking for work (沒有工作,待職中)
Out of work but not currently looking for work (沒有工作,沒有待職)
A homemaker (家庭主婦)
A student (學生)
Military (軍人)
Retired (已退休)
Unable to work (無法工作)
Prefer not to answer (選擇不回答)
6. What city do you live in? (您住在那個城市?)
7. How long have you been utilizing Taiwanese Community Center (TCC)? (您在台灣人活動中心出入有多長的時間?)
0-5 years (0〜5年)
5-10 years(5〜10年)
10-20 years(10〜20年)
20+ years(20年以上)
8. Are you a member of …? (您是以下那些社團的會員? 可以複選)
THSH (台灣人傳統基金會)
TAA (同鄉會)
Formosan Evergreen (長春會)
Golden Club (清閒俱樂部)
Formosa Fishing Association (德州台灣釣魚協會)
FAPA (台灣人公共事務會)
Taiwanese American Institute (台美學會)
TACL Toastermasters (議會學社)
Taiwanese Chorus of Greater Houston (台聲合唱團)
Other (其他)
9. Overall how satisfied are you with the services provided at TCC? (Check one) (整體來說,您對台灣人活動中心服務的滿意度程度是? 請選一)
Very Satisfied(非常滿意)
Very Dissatisfied(非常不滿意
No Opinion (無可置評)
10. What do you like most about TCC? (您最喜歡台灣人活動中心的什麼?)
11. What do you like least about TCC? (您最不喜歡台灣人活動中心的什麼?)
12. Over the past five years, do you believe TCC’s quality of service has improved, stayed about the same, or declined? (Check one) (在過去5年,您是否覺得活動中心的服務有改善,沒有改變,或是有待改善? 請選一)
Stayed about the same(沒有改變)
Declined (有待改善)
If improved, why do you believe the quality of service has improved? (如果您認為是有改善,理由是?)
If declined, why do you believe the quality of service has declined? (如果您認為是有待改善,理由是?)
13. Would you recommend TCC to your family or friends? (您會願意將活動中心介紹給您的家人或朋友嗎?)
Yes (願意)
No (不願意)
If Yes, what is the major reason? (若是您願意的話,理由是?)
If No, what is the major reason? (若是您不願意的話,理由是?)
14. Does TCC offer the activities and programs that suit your needs? (您是否認為活動中心的活動以及節目幫助您達到休閒的目的?)
No (不是)
If yes, which are your favorite activities or programs? (若您的回答是” 是” 的話,什麼是您最喜愛的活動以及節目是?)
If no, what events/activities/programs would you like to see in the future? (若您的回答是” 不是” 的話,您會希望未來能夠增加什麼活動或是節目?)
15. What would you say is the most critical issue facing TCC today? (您覺得目前活動中心面對最大的挑戰是什麼?)
16. What days of the week is most convenient for you to attend TCC activities and events? (Check all that apply) (那一天對您來說最便利於您來參加活動中心的活動以及節目? 可以複選)
Thursday (星期四)
17. What form of communication do you prefer? (Check all that apply) (您比較喜歡我們用那種方式通知您有關於活動中心的消息以及活動? 可以複選)
Mail (郵寄)
TAA Journal (鄉訊)
The Link (基金會電子報)
THSH Website (基金會網站)
E-mail (電子郵件)
Facebook (臉書)
Signs (活動中心貼告示)
18. Do you take care of young children? (您家裡有小孩子嗎?)
Yes (是)
No (否)
19. Do you take care of the elderly? (您家裡有老人嗎?)
Yes (是)
No (否)
20. Do you take care of anyone with physical disability? (您家裡有行動不方便的人嗎?)
Yes (是)
No (否)
21. Do you take care of anyone with mental disability? (您家裡有精神障礙的人士嗎?)
Yes (是)
No (否)
22. Would you be interested in medical seminars that are given in English? (您會有興趣參加用英文主講的醫學健康講座嗎?)
Yes (是)
No (否)
23. If the answer to question 22 is yes, what specific topics are you interested in? (如果您對22題的回答是” 是” 的話,您會對那方面的主題有興趣?)
24. If medical seminars were to be offered, what format would you be most interested in? (如果有舉行醫學健康講座的話,您會喜歡以下那種方式?)
Large scale lectures (大型演講會)
Small group discussion/Q&A (小組討論/問題解答)
Individual consultation (個人諮詢)
25. Check the account that you have now: (您目前有以下那一種帳號? 可以複選)
THSH Member Service (基金會會員服務系統)
26. What devices do you use often? (您較常使用以下那種設備上網?)
Smart phone(智慧型手機)
27. What type of fitness activities do you enjoy? (Check all that apply) (您喜歡那方面的運動? 可以複選)
Aerobics (有氧操)
Gym Equipment (健身器材)
Other (其他)
28. Have you ever visited any of the following THSH pages? (Check all that apply) (您有到過以下基金會所設立的網站嗎? 可以複選)
THSH Webpage (基金會網頁)
Yammer (基金會的專屬聊天室)
Facebook (基金會臉書)
The Link (基金會電子報)
29. If the answer to #28 is no, is there any special reason for that? (若28題的回答是” 否” 的話,有特別原因嗎?)
30. What leisure activities do you enjoy? (Check all that apply) (您喜歡的休閒活動是什麼? 可以複選)
Reading (閱讀)
Writing (寫作)
Travel (旅遊)
Craft (手工藝)
Chatting (聊天)
Singing Karaoke (唱卡拉OK)
Exercise (運動)
Learning language(學習語言)
Attends Workshops(參加講座)
Go Online(上網)
Enjoy food (享受美食)
Other (其他)
31. What topics interest you the most? (Check all that apply) (您對以下什麼主題有興趣? 可以複選)
Healthy Living (養生/健康)
Gardening (園藝)
Food/Recipe (食物/食譜)
Politics (政治)
Travel (旅遊)
Home Improvement(房屋改裝)
Finance (財務)
Movie (電影)
Music (音樂)
Other (其他)
32. If answer to question 18 is yes, what age group are the children in? (若是您18題的回答是” 是” 的話,小孩的年齡層是?)
Infant to 5 (幼兒〜5歲)
6 to 12(6〜12歲)
13 to 18 (13〜18歲)
33. Are you interested in volunteering at TCC? (您有興趣來活動中心從事志工工作嗎?)
Yes (是)
No (否)
If the answer to question 33 is yes, what types of projects interest you? (若您33題的回答是” 是” 的話,您會有興趣做以下那方面的志工? 可以複選)
Community outreach(社區推廣)
Children、Youth、 and Family (兒童、青少年、以及家庭關懷)
Elderly oriented (長輩關懷)
Events (辦活動)
Facility maintenance (活動中心維護)
Community improvement and development (社區改善及發展)
Advocacy and Human Rights (人權議題)
Education Environment Health/Research (健康教育/研究)
Sports and Recreation (體育與休閒)
Other (其他)
34. Do you have any expertise or talent that you would like to share with the community? (您願意為我們的社區團體貢獻甚麼樣的專長? 可以複選)
Accounting/Finance (會計/財務)
Art (藝術)
Board Participation (參與理事會會務)
Child Care (小孩看顧)
Clerical (文書工作)
Coaching (教練)
Communications (通訊)
Companionship (陪伴)
Computers/Technology (電腦/科技)
Construction (建築)
Cooking (烹飪)
Counseling (諮商)
Dance (舞蹈)
Driving/Transportation (駕駛/運輸)
Education (教育)
Event Planning/Management (活動策劃/管理)
Fundraising (募款)
General (一般)
Graphics/Design (繪圖/美工設計)
Human Resources (人力資源管理)
Languages (語文)
Law (法律)
Management Consulting (管理顧問)
Marketing/Branding (市場調查/品牌行銷)
Medical Services/First Aid (醫療服務)
Mentoring (個人輔導)
Music (音樂)
Prevention (防治)
Project Management (專案管理)
Public Relations (公共關係)
Public Speaking (公開演說)
Real Estate (房地產)
Recreation (休閒)
Research (研究)
Sports (運動)
Strategic Planning (策略規劃)
Tax Preparation (報稅)
Teaching/Tutoring (教學/家教)
Time Management (時間管理)
Video Production and Editing (影音拍攝及剪輯)
Web Development (網頁設計)
Writing/Editing (寫作/編輯)
Other (其他)