Can bees be dangerous to humans? How are they different from wasps? Is it true that bees will soon become extinct? Insects expert, Dr. Nancy Greig, from the Houston Museum of Natural Science ( returns to TCC to talk to us about bees and how they affects us in our day-to-day life. This event is free and all age groups are welcome! Light refreshments will be provided. Register online at THSH website at
我們都知道蜜蜂會產蜜,會傳播花芬,會叮人,會在牆角築巢。為甚麼有人說它快要絕跡?為甚麼又有人家有蜂窩,必須叫專人來趕走?。休士頓自然博物館,Dr. Nancy Grieg將來為我們解說正確的蜜蜂知識。(會員及非會員皆免費)