Ms. Kathy Cheng 希望能夠喚起大家對參與投票的注意及重要性,並成為一個訊息靈通的投票者,所以她會來活動中心跟大家講解一些有關選舉登記的資訊,她也希望能夠招攬一些義工,可以來參加訓練並幫忙選舉登記。
My fellow Taiwanese American citizens, You may remember me as the Taiwanese American candidate who ran for judicial office in 2012. For those who followed my campaign, you might remember that unlike the traditional candidates, I asked my constituents not for monetary contribution to my campaign, but instead, I asked for my constituents' votes. That's because in this country, it is the vote of the people that wins an election. Although I was very fortunate and grateful to have so many supporters either make generous monetary contributions to my campaign or contribute their valuable times as volunteers, but ultimately the people's vote determined the election result. In the 2012 election, we won a cause that's greater than the position that I was seeking, which is rallying countless number of people to get out to vote. In one instance, a couple in their eighties told me that they had been U.S. citizens for thirty something years but never voted. But after hearing my speech about why I was running, it energized the couple to register and vote. While numerous voters told me that they never voted because of language barriers so they were fearful of treading into the unknown territory of voting. So for that election, something bigger than any of us could have imagined occurred, people found the courage to participate in the democratic process. By exercising their right to vote, citizens gave the true meaning of the phrase, " government of the people, by the people, for the people". This upcoming presidential election is another opportunity to make history. Show that you matter and gain the respect from our elected officials and candidates by exercising your right to vote. Join me before October 11th in embracing the democratic process by making sure you are registered to vote for the November 8, 2016 election. Regards, Kathy Cheng |