景觀建築師 Peggy Chi 為大家介紹健康生活與景觀設計的關係。她將以一個景觀建築師的觀點,佐以研究的發現來介紹如何透過與自然環境的互動來增進各個年齡層(幼兒、成人、銀髮族)的身心健康與生活品質,會中將討論如何藉由景觀設計和生活型態的改變來達成此一目標。演講內容以英文為主,討論時中英文皆可通。
Research has shown that landscape characterized by the natural environment improves our health and well-being. Evidenced by scholars, it has the potential to prevent illness and maintain, as well as restore health physically, mentally, and socially. What are some intervention opportunities in our individual environments? I have a background in landscape and architecture, my PhD research examines how landscape influences the health and well-being of residents and staff in nursing care home communities.