We were originally scheduled to visit Port Arthur on September 26th last year, but due to flooding from Hurricane Harvey, roads were impassable. Roads have finally reopened now. The city is located 90 miles east of Houston, where the land meets the sea. It’s also the coast where Sabine Lake meets the Gulf of Mexico. This is a city full of plenty of cultural history, and a great location to watch migratory birds and play at the beach. The city’s slogan is “laissez les bons temps rouler”, which translates to “let the good times roll”. We will be visiting the Museum of the Gulf Coast, Buu Mon Buddhist Temple & Lotus Gardens (a beautiful lotus and lily garden), and Veteran’s Memorial Park. Everyone is welcome to join, don’t miss this great opportunity! Please note that this will be on a Monday.
Cost: Members $25, non-members $35. Includes all tickets and lunch.
Reference: http://visitportarthurtx.com
時間:四月十六日,星期一, 上午八點半到下午五點半
內容:本來去年九月二十六日安排要去Port Arthur這個城市參觀。碰巧八月底Hurricane Harvey那裡淹水。道路都破壞,不通。現在已經修復完竣。它在休士頓東邊九十哩。是土地與海洋銜接的地方,也是Sabin Lake 和Gulf Mexico毗鄰的海岸。充滿許多的文化歷史,也是觀賞侯鳥,在沙灘戲水的好地方。它的座右銘是 “laissez les bons temps rouler.” That translates to “let the good times roll,” 。我們將去參觀 : Museum of the Gulf Coast , 很漂亮的荷花,蓮花園Buu Mon Buddhist Temple & Lotus Gardens及 Veteran’s Memorial Park,歡迎參加,勿失良機。也請注意,這一天是星期一。