傳統基金會將於2月17日(星期六)下午二點至四點在活動中心主持一個Community Town Hall Meetings,希望能夠藉由這個機會聽取所有關心台灣人活動中心發展的人或社團的意見以及建議。討論議題不拘,舉凡與我們休市台美人社區或是活動中心相關議題皆可提出來討論。例如對於社團組織會員人口趨於老化,如何吸引年輕一代來參與和延續組織的宗旨? 基於組織不同的宗旨和社區有限的人力、物力,組織間可以在融入主流社會和經營僑社等任務進行何種形式的分工合作?我們期待聽到您的聲音,也希望藉由這個非正式的座談會讓鄉親們來相互溝通、了解,凡事更加透明,讓我們這個台美人社區能夠越來越好,越來越茁壯。當日備有簡單茶點招待,請在網路或是中心櫃台報名,期待您的參加。
THSH will be hosting a Community Town Hall Meeting on Saturday, February 17th from 2PM to 4PM at the TCC. We hope to use this opportunity to hear opinions or suggestions from all individuals and groups who are interested in the development of the TCC. There are no restrictions on topics for discussion. Anything related to the Taiwanese American community or the TCC is open for discussion. For example, in the face of aging membership, how do we attract more young people to participate and carry on our mission? Given different missions and limited manpower and resources, how can we share the tasks of melding into mainstream society and managing the immigrant community with other groups? We hope to hear your voice and would like to take advantage of this unofficial forum to allow everyone to communicate and understand each other. With more transparency, we hope to improve the Taiwanese American community even more.
Refreshments will be provided. Please sign up online or at the front desk at TCC. Hope to see you all there!