Time: Saturday, January 20th, 12:30PM~1:30PM
At the beginning of the year, two experts from the Houston Audubon Society came to introduce us to the traits of the migratory birds, where they are found, and how to protect them. Adults and children alike enjoyed the program very much, and now we have finally been able to invite their manager, Ms. Mary Anne Weber, to come talk about owls’ characteristics and their archenemies, etc. This will be an educational and meaningful lecture. She will be brining one or two owls and other raptors (predatory birds) and falcons, which will be sure to delight children. (Online Registration)
Cost: Free for both members and non-members
Reference: http://houstonaudubon.org
內容:今年初,Houston Audubon Society的兩位教育專家來為我們介紹德州這一些侯鳥的特性,何處可以看到這些鳥?及如何保護牠們。很受大人及小朋友的喜愛。現在我們好不容易能邀請他們的主管,Ms. Mary Anne Weber 來說明貓頭鷹的特性和牠的剋星猛禽……等等。這是非常有意義的教育指南。她會帶一,二隻貓頭鷹及猛禽,擸鷹來讓我們見識。保證小朋友會很喜歡這個節目。