Time: Saturday, February 24th, 12:30PM-1:30PM
Content: Houston Zoo animal expert Ms. DeAndra M. Ramsey was originally scheduled to come talk to us about unusual animals in Texas on November 28, 2017 but had to postpone because she went out of town. Now she has specially taken a day off and changed to this date to come give a talk for free. We are very thankful to her, so please do not miss this opportunity!
內容:休士頓動物園專家,Ms. DeAndra M Ramsey於去年10/22來解說蝙蝠的故事。她精闢的演說很受小孩子的喜愛。現在我們再邀請她來講解我們德州一些特殊的動物。非常奇特生動。她是專程請假,免費來為我們講解。我們非常感激。請大家切勿錯失這個機會。